My recent obsession has centered around my middle child. You know, the ball of fire, boundless energy, louder than an air horn boy? Yeah. That child.
He has taken to rolling his eyes while smiling at the attention I have been giving him over his recent physical change that has triggered this weird distraction. I simply canNOT stop photographing him because DANG IT! This change has me all loopy!! I can't even listen to his stories about which girl in class thinks he's cute (don't even get me started...) or which Pokemon can defeat a water type (not that I can really listen to that, anyway...). Instead, my eyes keep drifting to that cute little space. I continually interrupt him to say "Wait! Hold that thought. I need another picture!"
Can you blame me?
Hmmm. Better, but still not clear enough for my weird enjoyment....
I know. I know. I have issues. But this is my life, peeps. This is what is occupying my itty bitty brain....
He's a cutey, and you are loopy;)
I think it's perfectly rational to react just as you did. Of course it's to difficult to contemplate not photographing a child that cute. I get that. Have that problem all the time...
Oh I totally understand! GG's bottom teeth came in right away so the whole was only there about 2 weeks but the top one has been there for away and I love it. I can't wait for Monkey to loose his first tooth but he doesn't have any wiggly yet. *Pout* I think it is so cute.
Hee hee are too cute!
That IS very cute! Does the tooth fairy still come around or are kids way too savvy? What's the going rate these days?
He got a buck from the tooth fairy, seeing as how it's his first one. She tends to forget how much each tooth is worth and gives varying amounts for each tooth... Such a forgetful fairy...
I am the same way but Jack won't hold still for pictures like that!
He is a cutie!
What a cute guy you have there! I forgot the Tooth Fairy twice on my kids. Oops.
What a cutie!!
Isn't it strange the things that make us giddy?
I hope the tooth fairy was good to him!!
Can't say I blame you one bit. Just today, I was thinking about my obsession with my little guy's cheek. And wondering if the world is out of balance because I only kiss his right one 5,000 times a day and not his left? :-)
He is just as handsome as can be, but then all your kids are too cute for words!
As my kids lose more and more teeth, however, I tend to look past their cuteness to the cost of future orthodontics. Eeks!
Aww... so cute. This is a total milestone, so I don't think you're weird at all. Congrats to him!
aaww he is cute with that missing tooth!
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