Monday, September 08, 2008

Things I never expected when I first started blogging:

1. To be given a free vacation. That was awesome and a really validating experience. Felt all professional-like....

2. To make such great friends and actually meet some of them in person. I cannot stress enough how much this outlet has allowed my brain to be adult-like. To save me from the insane sameness that I love and loathe at home. Annnnndddd!!! I get to use big words and talk about something other than Pokemon and Princesses!

3. To be offered a spot on Wife Swap. I shit you not. (And you have NO IDEA how hard that was to turn down, especially after really thinking about the $20,000 you receive for 10 days of filming.) But the idea of putting my family into the hands of a complete stranger? Of having all of us filmed and then EDITED for the juicy stuff and put on the airwaves for all eternity? No thanks. I am not foolish enough to think that MY family would fare any better than the other families on that show. That there wouldn't be embarrassing moments (either genuine or fabricated by the editing department). That I would regret the choice, no matter how much money was dangled in front of my face...

Dang those freaking morals of mine....

4. To have more than 2 or 3 comments at a time. I know! I was aiming low. (Hint hint... how many comments can I get on this one?) (Ok. A little more blatantly: Please comment.)

5. To be quoted in an article by ABC. And to have another post in syndication, somewhere...

6. Well, I can't think of #6. Hmmm. I thought that there were more points, but Corinne just walked in with Apple/Carrot juice on her white shirt and do you have ANY IDEA how hard it is to get carrot juice out of clothing? I gotta scoot.


Type (little) a aka Michele said...

I don't blame you for turning down Wife Swap. But who would be your opposite?

Also, I'm commenting, because I do as I'm told. :-P

Jane of Seagull Fountain said...

Man, that Wife Swap money would have been SO tempting. I don't know if I'm appalled or impressed that you were strong enough to turn it down.

Congrats on everything!

Jane of Seagull Fountain said...

I mean -- it's not like it's Moment of Truth, or anything . . . ;) said...

My opposite would be a perfectionist germaphobe with rigid religious and political views. She would find my house disorganized and hard to function in and would criticize my husband's amount of involvement (his hours are unpredictable and tend to be long). OR, she would be a total naturalist who cannot believe the amount of processed food we eat, and the amount of time spent doing video games and tv...

Hannah said...


#2 rings true for me, as does #4. But the others? I can't even IMAGINE that stuff happening to me, just because I blog.

Go you!

andria said...

A friend of a friend did Wife Swap a couple years ago and it totally made her look HORRIBLE! Shes not anything like they made her out to be. The money would be awesome, but that poor lady can barely show her face around town after that show.

CaraBee said...

That $20K would be awfully tempting, but I think it would have to be a whole lot more to get me on Wife Swap. With any luck, I'd get someone who was a neat freak and I could come home to a clean house! On second thought, maybe $20K WOULD be enough. :)

the mama bird diaries said...

20,000 dollars. WOW.

Still, I would have turned it down too.

Brandie said...

Wow! I didn't even know wife swap paid! LOL Now I get why so many of them do it =)

María said...

Dude. $20K? They could HAVE my family.

Tonya said...

Still think that is so funny they asked you to be on that show! I thought you were joking at first when you told me that today. And here is my comment :)

Laski said...

Wife Swap . . . NO way . . . But obviously, they think you are awfully cool!!!

And, so do we :)

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

I got a box of free tampons in the mail the other day.

I like your perks better.

Johnsons of Haymarket said...


I've been enjoying reading your blog for months now. I actually first "met" you on CS when I was pregnant with my second and you with your last. At one time you posted the addresst o yuor blog and I bookmarked it. I love reading about your life and you have such a talent for writing. Thankd for sharing!

Kristi said...

Wife Swap?? Wow! I would definitely have turned it down too. Being the reality tv junkie that I am, I've watched that show more than a few times and love it for the complete train wreck that it is, but I would fear the editing department, for sure.
Now, maybe if it was one million dollars...

It's amazing the opportunities that come your way from blogging, isn't it? said...


Free tampons ROCK. Seriously, Playtex? Anyone? Menstruating woman right here who will evaluate your products!

Cynthia said...

I would turn down Wife Swap as well:P

whispering loudly said...

Oh man... that would be a hard amount of money to turn down.


... in exchange for total humiliation? complete exposure of your private life?

No thanks.

I'll just post it to the www for all to see -- and stay broke! :)

Marie said...

Hmm, oh, ok, I'll comment even with that blatant lack of subtlety!!

Oh, and wife swap no, but what about What Not to Wear? Just email them your last post!!

Kat said...

I was emailed for that Wife Swap thing too! How funny is that? Aren't we too normal for that show? Don't you have to be an extremist of some kind? ;)

Karen said...

$20,000 to swap lives?? It's a lot of money but I don't blame you for turning it down...reality TV is less than "reality".

Gucci Mama said...

Yes Ma'am! Leaving a comment! I cannot stand that Wife Swap show, and wouldn't do it for any amount of money. So good for you!

Gucci Mama said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Becky said...

It would have been hard to turn down that money, but I think I would have had to do the same thing. Editing can make monsters out of anyone!
:) Becky

SydneyDawn said...

Fame and Fortune Wooohoo! I would gladly take a free vacation over a $20,000 "reality" show any day.

At least when you got home from the vacation, you could show your face to your friends and family and not be embarassed.

Good for you!

Now I want to be blog famous.

Gettysburg Mom said...


anymommy said...

Your comments are WAY over two or three! It's a cool list. Your comment about who would be your opposite on wife swap killed me. My opposite would definitely be the naturalist, all organic type and they would be horrified. I'm practically poisoning my kids by some standards!

Michelle said...

The free vacation takes the cake! I really liked your quote in the article - you hit the nail on the head!

20K would be very very hard to turn down, too bad it was Wife Swap though! I wouldn't be able to handle being on that show!

Damselfly said...

Go you! Sounds like success to me.

Unknown said...

Eeks! It's been a few days since I've been able to catch up on my Google Reader . . .

My heart did a little flutter at seeing my link on the word "friend." (feeling weepy now!)

How did I miss that you'd been asked to do Wife Swap? I would have turned it down, too. I aire enough of our dirty laundry on my blog. HA!

You're so cool! I'm not surprised AT ALL by all that's come your way!

designHER Momma said...

isn't blogging a crazy community? Could you have ever in your wildest dreams?

Emily said...

I'd take a spot on wife swap without batting an eyelash...wait..I'm not married...maybe there should be a Single Mom Swap Show

Beth - Total Mom Haircut said...

It's pretty amazing, this little blogging thing, that's for sure. (Thanks for the love:)

And, um, am SO GLAD you didn't do the wife swap. I can see how it would be incredibly hard to turn down, but really , no good can come of something like that. I applaud you.

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