Wednesday, September 03, 2008

A woman/Mommy in the White House?

Ahem. Yes, that is ME being quoted in an ABCnews article. (Page 4) Just please don't type my last name here. Trying to avoid too much googlability. I made up that word. Fun, eh?

Here's the full submission I sent in...
I'm sure Feminists everywhere are in a dither. Having had our first real hope of a woman president shattered, we find ourselves with the possibility of a woman VP... but for a different political party. Not knowing much about Ms. Palin or her political standing, I can only assume that she was chosen because of a few factors:

1. She is a relative unknown, and therefore, easy to mold into the platform Mr. McCain desires.

2. She is a WOMAN. Hoping to garner as many votes from the undecided voters (such as myself) they are hoping to play upon womankind's desire to see a fellow female in the White House. Also, this allows the Republican party to appear less traditional than in the past by not having 2 older white men running against 2 younger men, with one not being Caucasian.

But the question of whether or not she is a proper choice for a VP due to her being a Mother makes me ill. Positively, mind-numbingly ILL.

Is it really so much harder to be a mother than to be a father? Is it really such a stretch to imagine a husband being able to take on the more emotional (and traditionally feminine) side of the parenting team? Surely, the children WILL suffer if their mother is a VP. Just as they would if the tables were turned and it was their FATHER that was the VP. Their lives will be monitored and regulated. They will become probable fodder for the paparazzi and media, especially during any small (or large) problems that are typical in ANYone's youth.

But is it truly prudent to suggest that Ms. Palin cannot handle it all? That this is a proper question to propose in regards to her candidacy? Shouldn't we, instead, focus on the political issues at hand?

How does she cast her ballots on issues you hold dear? How does she handle herself in situations of extreme stress? Has she held herself accountable for any past mistakes? Does she represent the America you want to see in the future?

Do not vote based upon gender. Do not vote based upon race. Do not vote based upon the candidate's family. Vote where it really counts: POLITICAL ISSUES.


Type (little) a aka Michele said...

WOOT! That is so cool! And I agree with what you said 1000% (see, i just made THAT up- 10x than the theoretical maximum!)


Karen said...


Gucci Mama said...

Yay you!

Jane of Seagull Fountain said...

Congrats Tracey! Good for you for submitting this.

I think Palin's choices about how to balance life/work are important, because surely they'll influence her support (or non-support) of issues like the childcare tax credit, maternity/paternity leave, etc. How could her beliefs not affect her policy positions?

CrystalChick said...

Hooray for you being quoted!
Good points too!
I know this is going to sound ... uh, ... I don't know how it will sound, but here I go anyway....

I don't care what Palin's answers are for anything. Or McCain's either. I wouldn't vote Republican ever, not even if Joe Perry were going to be the President and that were his ticket of choice. Never. Ever.


Now give me some strong Independent or Libertarian candidate who has a decent chance of winning and I'll certainly consider them. I've voted Indie locally and agree alot with some Libertarian concepts. But that's about as far as I'll go.
Hope I've not offended anyone here. I tend to not comment much on blogs where I don't know what the general majority of readers feels.... but for some reason... I'm punchy today. LOL
Thanks for stopping by!
Have a great day. :) M said...


I am a definite undecided. I am definitely not for McCain or Republicans right now, but I can understand those who are. I just want to see changes in the country, and whoever gets elected had better step up.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Amen! You are brilliant!

Mighty Morphin' Mama said...

Wonderful job, very well expressed.

Kristi said...

Excellent! I couldn't possibly agree more. Although there are absolutely no circumstances under which I would vote for McCain/Palin, it is reprehensible the way the "mommy wars" are being reignited by women claiming she shouldn't take the VP nomination because she's a mother. Would anyone EVER ask this question of a father? I think not.

Unknown said...

ABSOLUTELY. I do not agree with Palin on just about anything politically, but it is really infuriating that the fact that she is a mother is even a question.

Gettysburg Mom said...

Hmmm... Free trips and national political commentary. That blog thing seems to be working out for you! :)

OHmommy said...

Yahoo... that is cool. WTG!

Kamis Khlopchyk said...

Yipee for you Tracey! So eloquent!

MarĂ­a said...

Political issues. YES.

Trooper Thorn said...

It is a double-double standard. Women are judged on whether they can balance family life with their political obligations. Men are judged on how they balance their voting record with keeping their pants on.

Marie said...

I don't think I could vote for a man with a 4 month old baby and a pregnant 17 yearold. But I'm a democrat, and I like Obama, so it isn't an issue for me. Is it untrue that she has a 17 yo unwed pregnant daughter who is now marrying the 18 yo dad to make it look good? And a 4 month old baby?

Please, correct me if what I heard is incorrect, I'd sleep better at night. said...

She does have a pregnant teen daughter, but, thankfully, her daughter isn't running for office.

Also, I am an Obama supporter, myself. I just hate the double standards. NO ONE talks about Obama's children and the fact that they will be subjected to a stressful childhood, should he be elected...

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