Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Unfinished Endings

I don't know about you, but when I read a book, I like for it to have an ending. Call me crazy (won't be the first time), but if I'm reading your book, chances are that I like your ideas on what will happen with the characters and storyline. And if I enjoy it enough to FINISH the book, I consider it common courtesy for YOU (the author) to FINISH the story! Don't leave me hanging. Don't consider yourself all mysterious or avante garde or some other artsy-fartsy cliche word for "encouraging the reader to use THEIR imagination..."

Screw that. I use my imagination every freaking hour of every freaking day. I am mother (and teacher) to 3 kids. My entire LIFE is of my own imagination. If I have free time to actually read and COMPLETE a book, only to find that the author is pulling that "unfinished ending" crap? You will find me throwing the book across the room. And swearing* in front of previously mentioned 3 children. I MAY give you one more chance and read another book of yours, but when I find out that the last page is YET AGAIN an unsatisfactory conclusion to some strangely interesting characters and storylines? I will write you off. (Ha. Funny. Write off. Heh...)

"Please save my delicate ears! My mommy really can't control herself. Just finish the #$%@ books, ok?"

* Nothing above "Shit" and "Goddamnit" in reference to the book. Swear. But it's not like my mouth hasn't gotten a little less clean as the years of raising my kids have passed. I didn't allow people to say "stupid" in my house when Justin was little! Now? Now Corinne knows the meanings of waaaaay too many expletives.** (hanging head in shame) ** So come authors! Do your part to keep my children's ears safe! FINISH THE DAMN STORIES.


Gucci Mama said...

I HATE it when they do that!

Sarah RDH said...

Yeah I'm not very into literature, so I mostly stick to comedic books. And baby books. lol

Joy said...

That? Is infuriating. I love me a nice tidy denouement. This would be as infuriating to me as picking up (what I thought was) the third book in a trilogy, staying up all night to read it (with a sleepless baby at home), and finding out AT THE END that it is the third of FIVE books. And the third one! Ended in a very black, horrible place, and the next book wasn't even written yet!! I fumed for days. And apparently, I am still not quite over this as I wait for the fifth book to come out in December, 2010.

Sooo, yeah... I feel your pain. ;)

Unknown said...

So I take it you're not reading Sarah.

Stacia said...

I always said I'd stop swearing when my kiddos were old enough to understand what I was saying. Oops, better get on that!

Also: Have you read any Emily Giffin? Nice, tidy, wrapped-up, wonderful, with-a-bow endings.

Unknown said...

The Time Traveler's Wife is one of my favorite books. It *did* have an ending. Maybe not the ending that you wanted, but it had one. ;-) said...

I thought that the Time Traveler's Wife had an ALMOST ending. As in, I would have liked a little bit of the guts from what she did at age 30 something to age 80 something. That really peeved me off.

Unknown said...

I hear you. I really do. It took me awhile to come to terms with the ending because I wanted to know more. I wasn't ready to let go of the characters. It's such a heart-wrenching way to end a book. But then again, it was a heart-wrenching story.

I haven't read the other one, but I'd like to.

Daisygirl said...

That is the most aggravating thing ever!!!!

So laughing at your pirate mouth...I blame it on the motherhood!

Nolie said...

I'm with you there. If we manage to find the time to read the book at least end it for us as well.

ThingsToDoWithKids said...

Oh that is my pet peave. It's like you wated on this time and you just want to know what happens. I also hate when movies or tv shows do that too. Law & Order does it way too often. For me, so far, the best ending of any book was the Count of Monte Cristo. I looved it from begining to end, and the ending was perfect.

AiringMyLaundry said...

I know, it is aggravating!

Misa said...

I agree! I'm at the point in my life where I like happy endings, justice, satisfaction, and, well, an ending. =)

Chelle said...

I can't stand those books. Or better yet the ones that take 50 pages just to describe the scenery of a room. Stop repeating yourself and maybe I'll stay away to finish the book.

Issa said...

I actually liked the ending to the movie Time Travelers Wife better than the book ending, because it felt like it had an ending.

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