Saturday, March 20, 2010

The last snowfall

If I can retain anything from this time period of my life, I would choose to hold close the small moments that can be found within a crisis. I hope that the beauty of the late March snowflakes sticking to my window never ceases to amaze me. I hope that I am always capable of enjoying such tiny miracles, even while I am shivering behind my steering wheel as I wait for the battery in my van to charge. The "inconvenience" of such a delay is the only way I was able to reflect upon the perfection of such a seemingly normal occurrence. These flakes will most likely be the last of the season for us. My heart was definitely nostalgic today as I bid them farewell...

Though I am grateful for the change of seasons, winter was still beautiful and quiet. Spring brings fresh energy and causes me to rub the crust from my sleepy eyes. We've been still and slow this winter. It's time to sweep the winter clutter from the corners of our home. Papers and toys and games and crayons are piled in the hallways and under our tables. Projects that have been shoved aside so often that we have become immune to their presence must be dealt with and stored properly. Or, better yet, TOSSED OUT.

We will recognize spring break with our public school friends in 1 more week. My plans are HUGE. They include, but are not limited to: attending the Adler Planetarium to see their new exhibit, having a fun day at Odyssey Fun World in Naperville, cleaning the family room and school room, celebrating Evan's 8th birthday (my baaaaby!) and simply letting the kids be kids. Please oh please oh PLEASE let it be warm and sunny!!! Get these kids OUT OF MY HOUSE or else they will thwart my plans!


Kristi said...

I am done with snow. We have had such incredible weather (60s) here for the past week.

Good luck with spring cleaning!

mep said...

I'm ready to welcome the spring as well -- sounds like you all have a wonderful break week in store.

Stacia said...

Yes! Let's toss out winter and germs and clutter and open the windows wide. Like you, we are certainly looking forward to the fresh air, both real and figurative.

Joy said...

Sounds like a lovely break! Enjoy the planetarium for us, please. ;)

We are cleaning out here, too, before we go HOME! Where I will finish clearing out the last couple of closets that I didn't get to before we came here! LOL!

And my baby will celebrate his 8th birthday in just over a week! I still don't know how I ended up with an 8 year old?? I'm sure that he was just a baby last month!

Gettysburg Mom said...

Yesterday we were at a party with friends to welcome the first day of spring and the weather was the best we've had since last year. The whole time I kept thinking about my friends in Chicago and snow. Sorry. I hope it was your last snowfall. Pretty and all, but it's officially spring.

Eliza said...

Sounds like a fun spring break planed! Yay! Your reaction to the snow was much better than mine...I was thinking Mother Nature was a Bi-Polar B$#%&! Oooops! But I like your sweet farewell better. Have a good one!

ThingsToDoWithKids said...

I live in Southern Cali where I just don't get to see the snow unless I join the millions of others who head to the mountains on snow days. Then you have to pay for a pass to be up there at all, then try to find's just not worth it. But I am with you on the welcoming spring. I love this season and can't wait to do all the fun stuff I have on my list. I hope you guys have a great Spring break and enjoy your activities.

Anonymous said...

Spring is def here in nyc, its nice to finally be able to walk around...
I do need some help though,Im in business school and conducting some research on ways to improve pacifiers, I wonder if any of you can take 3 minutes and answer 6 questions to help us out.


CaraBee said...

I couldn't believe it when I heard they were predicting snow for you guys. Here's hoping it was a brief interlude. Bring on the beautiful weather!

WarsawMommy said...

Yesterday was the first day of spring over here in Warsaw... we are soooo ready for it.

Time for Alex to discover playgrounds and parks and sandboxes. And for Max to climb higher on the jungle gym than he did last year...

Hurrah, outdoor weather!

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