Friday, November 14, 2008

Where will you be in July 2009???

Ok, can I just say there was much screaming and shrieking the other day when I noticed where BlogHer was going to be held? Don't know yet?

Well, just look to the right.... See it? Right there ============>

YES! Chicago!! So I don't have to find money for the flight AND the room AND the conference itself!! In fact, if I cannot come up with money to split a room with a few people then I can STILL attend because Chicago is only a mug of coffee away from my house!! (If I have known you for a while and you are not a person who snores, farts excessively, or feels that alcohol is a sin, we should chat. Especially if you don't mind my talking in my sleep, morning breath or potential for partying a touch too hard when I'm out without my children...) I really DO want to room there. Somehow, having to leave the conference early to go home to my kids would be like having a curfew in college....

Who of you are planning on attending? Who of you hope to go, but don't know for sure? Who of you have no clue what I'm talking about? Who of you don't care and are hoping that this post will be about something funny my kids said?

Let this be a call -out for all advertisers who want to place ads on my blog. I AM UP FOR IT. All proceeds will help my "Send Mommy For a Weekend Away Fund."


pita-woman said...

No idea what a blog-her is.

Kamis Khlopchyk said...

I heard, that's awesome for you! I doubt I'll be coming, we booked a trip to Hawaii :)

Kat said...

I am so excited about it! Chicago is only about 2 and a half hours from where I live so I'm hoping I can make it. Woohoo!!! said...

Kami, that is the lamest excuse I have ever heard. Pshaw. As IF Hawaii is a better choice??

María said...

There's no way in hell I'll miss it. :) I'll see you there!!

Oh, and email me if you want some advertising info. :)

Desiree said...

Oh sweet -- my partner used to live in Chicago -- I bet I could convince him that we need to go on a little vacay ^_^

CaraBee said...

I so, so, so want to go! I told the hubs yesterday about it and he promptly said no. I've got some time to work on him, though.

Gettysburg Mom said...

I'll be enjoying cocktails on my deck lamenting the life that doesn't allow me to have any fun, ever.

Enjoy kicking up your heels and good luck with the advertising revenue!

Melissa said...

We'll probably be packing up to move... sigh... maybe someday I'll make it to BlogHer!

Kelly said...

I was excited to see that too. Chicago is only about 4 1/2 hours from me. I would love to come but am scared to death to go to something that huge by myself! We'll see.

Melisa Wells said...

Me! I'm going!
But you knew that. :)

OHmommy said...

I know where I will be in July 09.

See you there!

Mighty Morphin' Mama said...

Fun! I so want to go to one, but I do tend to snore a bit when I have been up too late:)

Tonya said...

Very cool. I heard about it last year but didn't really know what it was and still don't really but it looked like fun on all the blogs that went :) I'll have to talk to hubs about it!!!

the mama bird diaries said...

Chicago is a great place for the Blogher conference. That's awesome.

Anonymous said...

You're very lucky you'll be so close. When Austin was in the top 5 I was RIGHT THERE, but I don't think I'll be able to trek that far.

Anonymous said...

So have you been to one of these before? If so, please do tell. What's it all about?

anymommy said...

I'm going to go! I think, provided nothing crazy happens between now and then. Totally looking forward to meeting you.

Michelle said...

I wish I could go! What do they actually DO at blog-her though? Since I've never been I have no idea what it's like!

I will be living with my mom in MD next year; and her father-in-law lives in Chicago...and they do hmm...will have to think about this!

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