Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Don't mess with THIS blogger!

So, as I was browsing through my most recent blog referral links on Sitemeter, I came across an odd link. I clicked over to the site and found something strange.... Apparently, SOMEONE used my blog's site as a link for a referral to a DIET PILL. I will not link to their site directly here, as I do NOT ENDORSE THAT PRODUCT. The pill's name, Phentramin/Phentramine is a diet pill that supposedly does magical things so you can lose weight without as much effort.

Guess what? There is no magic pill. If you want to lose weight, know what you have to do?


Work hard.

Eat less junk. Eat more of nature's REAL food.


Exercise again.

Continue exercising and eating properly.

And, magically, the weight will slowly start to fall off and redistribute itself.

I am NOT thin or in shape. But the reason for this is not because I am 32 with 3 kids. Or that I have a thyroid problem, inherited bad genes, or anything like that. I simply don't eat the proper way or exercise. I CLAIM RESPONSIBILITY for my "XL" ass. For the majority of my friends and fellow bloggers who have bodies that aren't the way they want, I am going to assume that the same applies to them. (of course there are exceptions. Duh. So please don't tell me your exceptions...)

I do NOT endorse diet pills.

Let me say that again:


In fact, I can't even SWALLOW pills!! After giving birth 3 times and having a major abdominal surgery, I never took anything stronger than Liquid Extra Strength Tylenol!!! How's THAT for picking the wrong blogger to impersonate? Eh? Brilliant!!! Pick a person who CAN'T EVEN SWALLOW PILLS!!!

So, again, Drug-pushing website: TAKE DOWN MY LINK. NOW.


Kat said...

Weird. I wonder why they linked to you. Goobers. Did you leave them a threatening message to remove your link? I would have.

Diet pills scare me. I don't think I could ever bring myself to try them. It's running for me!

Beckie said...

That is the oddest thing ever. I hate diet pills. I'm not small and I'm not huge but I am so happy with the meat on my body. So is my hubby. Real women have curves like I always say.
I'm glad I found your blog, you are a wonderful writer. And I hope you don't mind if I stalk your blog...I mean "Follow" haha.
And I hope they take down your link, although it might be good publicity for you. They come to find magic pills and end up staying for wonderful bloggings...Have a wonderful day!!

Tonya said...

the is creepy. said...

Anyone have any advice on how to MAKE them take down my link?

Anonymous said...

Hi, I really need to get on here more, your'e so cute.
I found myself linked accidentaly on a very active enviromentalism site. I was pleased, but I thought it was only fair to let them know that my enviromentalism is not very model worthy.
A gentle email was all it took.
And then watch your blog stats slide back down to where they used to be...

Green-Eyed Momster said...

Wow! I didn't know that they could do that! Isn't there anything you can do about it?

How weird!

Thanks for your comment on my tattoo post! I appreciate your input and I know exactly what you mean! If it was high, you'd only see it when I wear my hair up.

I don't like diet pills. They don't work anyway!


Green-Eyed Momster said...

Advice, Legal Representation?

Good luck and hugs!!

CaraBee said...

That's pretty strange. I tried a diet pill once. Once. It made my heart do funny things and I felt like I was on crack, so I decided that I needed to do things the right way. No shortcuts. (She says as she sips on the Large coke from McDonalds.)

OHmommy said...

I had a company email me twice asking if I would like to try a 6 month supply for free.

Ummm... no.

Great minds think alike. ;)

Cathy said...

Wow--that's crazy. Losing weight is such a pain, mainly because I'd rather have a couple Doritos instead of carrots. Thanks for speaking the plain truth! :)

Cant Hardly Wait said...

That is really strange. I would be upset, too. I always tell everyone, if you want to lose weight, the healthiest and best way is to diet and exercise.

Anonymous said...

You tell 'em, Tracey! Hopefully they do take your link down. I wonder why they chose your blog, anyway? I don't recall any talk of diet pills (even in a negative context) on here ... odd indeed!

With diet pills, because they are a "quick fix", the weight will all come back on again. I guess that's why people get trapped in the cycle and hooked on the drugs. Not good!

anymommy said...

No sneaky linking, completely not acceptable!!

But, your pill aversion made me laugh out loud. I am the same way. I sobbed about taking my antibiotic horse pills after I had surgery two years ago.

Gettysburg Mom said...

My friend Shev used to say he was going to write a bestselling diet book- and it would be three pages:
1- Eat Less
2- And
3- Exercise More

I'm thinking a post about how horrible their product is emailed to them might make them rethink their link.

Cynthia said...

Sorry about sucks. Right diet pills, run marathons;)

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