Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Hot Date!

I had a date last night!!

And NOT with my HUSBAND!!

And he was so GOOD LOOKING, funny, sweet, and totally enamored of me!

Granted, he was only 7 years old and is missing a few front teeth, but hey - a date's a date!!

I took Justin out to Chili's and then to see a dollar movie last night. He was a riot! (And he told me so, many times: "I'm so funny, aren't I Mommy?") We did our usual date night "game" where we ask each other questions like "If you could visit one country right now, where would you go and why?" (He said China, cuz he likes their music).

It is so nice to be alone with just one of my children. Especially on a special occasion like that. I get to pry into their brains and listen ONLY to them. And not be too much of their "Mom" and more of a friend, for just a few hours... And I know that Justin just loves these dates. He gets all giggly, excited, and skips around.

I love that my 7 year old is still young enough to hold my hand and not be embarrassed. I wonder how much longer I have with that? I was trying to treasure it last night... Trying to remember what it's like to walk with my son, who's up to my shoulder, who loves to make people laugh, and who's growing up every second.

We saw XMen 3. AWESOME!!!!! Totally worth the $1 each to go see it!! :) Seriously, it's a great movie. Highly recommend it.


Michelle said...

Oh how wonderful! That's great that you get a "date night" with your son! One-on-one "mommy" time is always good!

Michelle said...
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andria said...

That makes me want to go do something with Jacob before school starts that is not Chuck E cheese!

Looney Mom™ said...

Dates with our kids are great! We do that too. We have 4 to rotate so every week it's one with mom or dad depending on the rotation (we have to write it on the calendar).

And I totally love the x-men movies (my hubby's a comic book/character collector and he has ALL of them). Wolverine/Logan is my favorite (hence the name of my last-born son). Hee hee.

Lara said...

I wish I did that with my kids but I'd have to get a babysitter every time and I never do that. We're all basically stuck with each other every moment of every day. Poor kids!

beth said...

I love everything about this! You know, I play that game out on dates too...with my husband. For some reason we (he) always end up asking questions like that. Of course, I can't remember our last date.

Glad you got some one on one time with your guy.

LaughterThoughts said...

how neat! it's not very often that i get one-on-one time with my kids, and i really treasure it when i do... even if it's just a trip to the grocery store... because that's usually what it is!:)

Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

That is so sweet. I look forward to date nights with my boys someday!

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