Sunday, April 08, 2012

Forging his own path


I have so much to say about my 13 year old, yet so much of it is "unallowed." Crossing the line to the forbidden territory, my tongue is tied and fingers must often remain still.

I can't tell you.

It is no longer only my story to share. His path is quite vividly his own; though we often walk side by side, he is the one who has begun to navigate a unique direction.

I hope he understands just how much I'm holding back. I hope he knows why his stories aren't recounted on my sites quite as often anymore. I hope he knows that I am still collecting memories in my mind of the ups and downs of 2012. I hope that he looks back on these years on my websites and thinks "Ah. She was protecting me and my privacy. Not ignoring me because I was being a teenager."

For I have stories to tell, my friends. PLENTY. Oh, the tales I could share, if only I were not held back by my desire to do this ONE THING for my son - which is allowing him to begin his own version of his life. To tell his tales from his point of view.


Jenn said...

It gets SO much better, especially because you are holding back and you are allowing him to go in that unique direction :) You are giving him a great gift ;)

Melisa Wells said...

Yeah, I totally agree. I don't write about my boys NEARLY as much as I used to, and when I do write about them they are usually stories about funny exchanges we've had: not anything embarrassing to them. I embarrass them privately. :)

Meredith said...

Oh gosh, you are just such a good mom. My son is 2, so not even grappling with those issues, but I tell his whole life story on my blog everyday without any consideration for his opinion about it! Yikes!

Unknown said...

I am going to be entering this no share zone soon too. I mean already there are moments I hold back because I'd hate to have my 10 year old or his friends discover them when he's 15. I guess my blog is going to get boring soon. I mean who wants to hear about me all day?!

Lisa Noel said...

I understand respecting them but I also think that as long as they are ok with me sharing, I WILL! I figure the things I've already shared are probably what will be the most embarrassing when their friends read my blog someday anyway lol

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