I am thrilled to be cruising the air waves once again; this time on Chicago's ABC midday news! If you are finding me via that site - Welcome! I hope that you find these product reviews helpful and that you'll stick around to check out the rest of my site. If you're reading this as a regular reader, I hope you'll tune into ABC around 11:30 and watch me!!
If you're looking for an interesting baby shower gift, browse through these items and see if one of them is the right fit for your budget and theme. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask in the comments and I will do my best to answer. ~~~ First up is one of my all-time FAVORITE combo items: the Sidekick Child Carrier Backpack by Go Go Babyz. This truly is unique. It's a bag. It's a carrier. It's a bag AND a carrier all at once! The Sidekick retails for $129 and is available at the GoGoBabyz.com site and national retail stores.As a mom who loved to carry her babies, I can see how this device would have been truly useful. As a mom who currently has no babies to carry (sob), you can picture me, walking around the house, popping a teddy bear in and out, in and out, just to get the feel for the ease of this carrier. While I wouldn't recommend it for your main carrier as I think it might become quite heavy on one shoulder with a toddler and the bag full of diapers/juice/rattles/etc., I do think it makes a FABULOUS emergency carrier. Especially for use in airports, downtown trips, and when you're just caught without a stroller or sling. ~~~ The Peekaru Hoodie is something for every baby-carrying caregiver. With its incredibly soft cotton, and loose design, the hoodie allows for a baby to be cozy and comfortable from inside the safety of your favorite baby carrier.Isn't it cute? It can be worn as a front or back carrier cover and is designed to be comfortable from the temps of about 45-65 Farenheit. It retails for approximately $64 and can be found on Togetherbe.com or locally at Be By Baby! 1654 W. Roscoe Street, Chicago. (773)404-2229. ~~~ A fun addition to today's line up are the silicone bibs by Ulubulu.com. Their styles are adorable and their texture is simply perfect for a little one who wants to lick the last bit of their mashed potatoes and peas from their bib. Super soft. Super squishy. Super Cute!For children ages 6 months and up, the Ulubulu bibs retail for about $8.99. ~~~ Next up are the adorable Leg Ruffles from Huggalugsusa.com(We received some purple and pink Huggalugs, but I have to say that these goldfish ones are my absolute favorite!)
Legruffles are a ruffle-themed legwarmer and armwarmer knitted with a beautiful cotton blend yarn giving a soft, flowing feel. They retail from $12.50-$17.50 with sizes ranging from newborn all the way to tweens and adults! I may have to check into those longer ones for myself, especially on these winter nights... ~~~ I have rarely traveled in the air with a baby. (one of the benefits of having all of your family living in the same state!) However, I have seen many a parent struggle with little ones while in the air. Whether or not you have your baby in your lap or their own seat for take off and landing, there will be many times that you will want to be holding your child in your lap mid-flight. For those times, the Baby B'Air Flight Vest is an award-winning designed device that allows your baby (up to 2 years of age) to safely sleep in your arms and avoid the dangers that turbulence can cause. It retails for $34.95 and can be found on babybair.com or locally at Buy Buy Baby stores in Chicago. ~~~ Next up, these little socks are just the CUTEST. Aren't they adorable?? One of the best parts of having a baby is the miniature accessories they can wear. And socks that pretend to be shoes?!? Too. Cute. These teeny little socks are available in a variety of styles at Walgreens. Two pairs sell for $4.99 which makes them perfect for a small baby shower gift or baby welcoming gift. You can find all of their styles on zachandchloe.com. ~~~ The Emily Diaper Skin Soother is marketed as the most natural diaper rash cream available as well as the most effective. Made of just 6 ingredients: organic sunflower oil, natural beeswax and 4 natural wildcrafted herbs - frankincense, red peony root, dictamnus root and phellodendron bark. No fragrance, no chemicals, no preservatives, no artificial ingredients of any kind. It is designed to soothe and heal any type of diaper rash or irritation, whether caused by heat, fungus, moisture, bacteria or allergen. Another bonus is that you can use this ointment for a variety of other skin irritations, regardless of whether or not they were caused by a diaper! Retails for $14.00 per 1.8 oz jar. Available online at emilyskinsoothers.com or at various retailers throughout North America. ~~~ Nowadays, a lot of what we do is online. But that doesn't mean that paperwork isn't still a necessary evil. In fact, having hard copies of important documents, (prescriptions, immunizations, birth certificates, etc.) is essential in case your digital copies are compromised. The Baby Briefcase offers a simple method of organizing all of the random papers that having a baby generates. (And trust me, there's a LOT OF PAPERWORK.) It retails for $29.95 and can be found at babybriefcase.com or at A Pea in the Pod stores in Chicago. ~~~ The Peekaru Ozone is fabulous for any mom who loves to carry her baby in a sling/mei tai/Baby Bjorn/ etc. With 2 simple clips, and a pocket for your baby's feet, the Ozone is a super thin, breathable material that provides your infant from 95% of UVA and UVB rays. It cinches up for the tiny babies and easily lets out to cover the length of a baby up to 2 years of age. The Peekaru Ozone retails for $44.95 and can be found online at Togetherbe.com or locally at Be By Baby! 1654 W. Roscoe Street, Chicago. (773)404-2229. ~~~ Last but not least are Diaper Buds! What makes DiaperBuds unique? Are they ultra-absorbent? Super comfortable? What makes them so special? Well, they seemed to be great when we tried them on my nephew as far as absorbency and fit. No problems there. And they are a tad on the expensive side when it comes to diapers (about 60 cents a piece in comparison to some other brands that I found for about 20 cents a piece). So WHY would I recommend that you spend a little more on a diaper?? Because Diaper Buds are novel not because of what they DO but because of how they're PACKAGED. They are so tiny! Being vacuum-sealed for freshness also means that these diapers are about the size of a cell phone. Stick a few in your purse and glove compartment and you will NEVER be without an emergency diaper! These make a fantastic gift for a new mom. Diaper Buds can be found online at DiaperBuds.com and also locally at Buy Buy Baby Stores in Chicago. ~~~ Be sure to check in again soon as I may be having some of these items available for giveaways!
Dude, I go away for a month (well, more really…) and you turn into a tv star! How awesome, Tracey. I'm so pleased for you (and everyone who watches you and gets to see how awesome you are). :)
Poetry Month in our Homeschool
Sure, you *can *force a kid to read a book. Any book, actually. But you
*can't* force a child to love to read. You can't push and push literature
on them a...
Oh yeah.... I forgot I had a homeschool blog!
1st Grade!
5th Grade!
8th Grade!
Chillaxin after a hard day with cucumbers on their eyes... "spa day" is
what they called it. Evan did his spelling word...
I need to find these Diaper Buds! Seriously...I think this could change my life (or at least the obscene size of my diaper bag...)
Dude, I go away for a month (well, more really…) and you turn into a tv star! How awesome, Tracey. I'm so pleased for you (and everyone who watches you and gets to see how awesome you are). :)
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