This is what happens when you pat yourself on the back.
You end up with 3 children who are so outrageously misbehaved that you split in half and lose your ever-loving mind* and strip the entire household of screen privileges. No tv, video games, DS, or computer.
No computer. Entire Household.
Yeah. Slightly idiotic move on one mother's part.
(raises hand) (briskly slaps herself with it)
But we've been... quieter. Slower. CLEANER (yay!). We've been playing more board games and riding our bikes. There've still been oodles of arguments and I have taken to being incredibly stricter and swifter on punishments, but it's working. Shhhh....
So, if I don't get to your email too quickly or read your blog for another week or post a response on Facebook to something wonderful or horrible, this is the reason. I pray the lesson I'm hoping to instill takes root.
*what does 'ever-loving' even mean? I guess I could Google it. Meh. Not inclined. But why do I write it if I don't know what it means? It fit for the situation, though. Even though there wasn't much love in my heart at that moment.
Sounds like a GREAT plan, and I'm glad to hear you're sticking to it. I think we should all try it out from time to time.
Good luck with that! We lost power for a couple of days last month and no cable/internet/phone for 5 days. We felt like the Waltons. But true, our house was cleaner. Maybe I should pull the plug again?
I Googled it for you. I just HAD TO. The result? You're happy you didn't. There are many circular references to its etymology being kind of non-specific and not easily determined, blah blah blah. One guy proposed that it has similar cadence to mother****ing and was originally a replacement for it: possibly was changed to motherloving and then on to everloving. ??? Who knows? It was fun to check into.
Good for you!!!! My son is 3 (he's autistic so he's obsessed with educational electronics) but I've cut him back to 1 hour per day! If it's this bad at 3, who knows what I'm in for!!!! I will for sure someday use this in my home. Although....daddy's obsessed with his IPhone/XBox360 so who knows how good this would work! lol
The same thing happens to me, except I don't even have to SAY anything. If I think that Baby Plum is sleeping really well at night, then I can be guaranteed at least 2 nights of bedtime battles.
I could read you Facebook/blogs/Twitter over the phone - just in case you start going through withdrawals.
No tv, video games or computer?? The humanity, woman!
Seriously, though, bravo. They may not appreciate it now, but it really is good for everyone.
I got rid of cable years ago. I know my kids better now than I ever did.
Good luck with the lesson. Sometimes unplugging is good for everyone. Of course I say that when we are in a time where we are more plugged in than ever.
Anyway, just fyi, everloving means all loving, but in slang it's just a word to throw in there ... kind of like I'm really out of my mind.
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