My children didn't understand why I was in such a bitchy mood yesterday. Well, bitchier than usual. They didn't know that a late night of wine and beer with good friends on a Tuesday might leave their mama with a smidge of a headache...
They didn't realize that I was preoccupied the entire day, wondering how my friend was going to do in surgery.* Grasp each of those ingredients in a viselike grip, shake them together until they are fizzing and bubbling like this science experiment we did...
...and you will have an adequate visual of the contents of my brain on Wednesday.
Today began with dreary clouds and drizzles but I am definitely in a much merrier frame of mind.
* Brandie made it through surgery. She's in a lot of pain but healing. Thank you for all of the lovely comments on her blog! She was so happy on Tuesday night!
Hangover or not, that looks like one super-cool science experiment!
That was an impressive segue!!
Okay. There's one of the names I'm looking for.
One down. Several to go.
And as for that picture. Yuck. I look like a shaven Percy Dovetonsils.
And for all you babies out there who have no idea who that is ... Google.
Sounds like quite a night. I completely understand where you're coming from- been there, done that, and bought the t-shirt...but was too far gone to remember buying it so I ended up buying another. ;-b
I'm glad that Brandi made it out of surgery ok- I'm sure she'll recover quickly. She's strong.
Talk to you soon!
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