What I've been doing instead of writing online...

Recovering from Justin's sleepover birthday party. 6 boys for 18 hours with No blood = SUCCESS!

Met these lovely bloggers at Panera for a lunch that I ORGANIZED. I know. I'm still in shock over that one...
(Clockwise from top: Sabrina, Farrah, Barb, Melisa, Jen, Lou, Rita, Amy. I'll try to link up later on)

Test-driving my lovely
Chevy Traverse and entering a contest that I am sadly waaaaaay behind in. Thanks for your votes, though!

Making sushi at homeschool club and then bringing home the wasabi paste....

Agreeing to let them try it out...

Laughing at his initial reaction...

(Yes, those are tears you see. She was moving so fast that I couldn't get a shot!)

Not so funny now, eh? Heh. Strange, because I found it
quite humorous.

Got all emotional when I caught Evan lovingly reading to his sister while I cleaned up the house before bed one night....

Pondered why there were army men in a 5 pound bag of pinto beans. Pondered why I HAVE a 5 pound bag of pinto beans.*
Pondered at why those beans were in a bag marked "carrots."
And Yes. I
do currently have pinto beans covering my living room floor. Why do you ask?

Been trying out several new items for reviews... This means


...which SHE loves.

It means creating
LOADS of messes on purpose.

Coffee grounds, glue, paint, spaghetti sauce... it's been quite an adventure. Just wait till you see the finished product...

...and I finally decided to get on top of the dishes so that my kids can stop drinking out of random containers. This looked too much like urine in a doctor's test kit instead of the apple juice in a smoothie glass that it was for me to pass up the photo op.
So. Nothing much. Just a regular ole week. How about you?
*Obviously, they were being punished for their crimes. There is no pain greater than suffocation by pinto beans. Or so sayeth Evan...
Six boys for that long and no blood? That IS impressive!!! Looks like you guys have been having tons of fun. How cool to make sushi! Love the reaction pics. haha :)
*Sorry that deleted comment was me. Fingers were not working...
Thanks Tracey!
Sounds like a pretty wonderful week though. :)
Hope you're enjoying the test drive--very cool.
Great job pulling together the lunch.
LOL! I so get a kick out of your updates. Whenever I need a laugh, all I have to do it pop over here for a few minutes. You rock!
Well, you've been busy! lol All great things, but your son reading to your daughter is my favorite!!
Thanks for sharing..
Nice to read your blog.
Still bummed I missed the lunch -- looks like it was a good time.
Wasabi paste? I'm with Corrine. Cannot handle the stuff at all.
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