Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Because a pre-teen is a pre-teen...

Whoever said that boys are easier than girls? Who? Who?!? I want to meet that person, face to face. I want to shake my exasperated hands over my head and point out the gray streak in my hair. That deranged fool and I need to count the lines that are forming around my eyes and note the raspy quality my voice has taken on from the incessant shouting it is forced into.

I'm just sitting back, wishing I could rant and rave about my beloved first-born child without scarring him for all eternity. Knowing that such a rant would be disloyal, now that he is Eleven Years Old, I must refrain and simply say this:
Boys are NOT easier than Girls.


I'll just sit here and soak up my cheap-o wine from Aldi as my yummy stuff from Galena* is (sadly) long gone and think of the days when my eldest was "easier." Ahhh... potty-training and breaking the pacifier... How I miss those days!

* Check out my reveal of the wine I chose. I know you were all waiting on pins and needles, right?


Stacia said...

Oh, say it ain't so. I'm raising my virtual glass of vino in solidarity and sympathy, friend. Hang in there (and rest that voice for tomorrow). =>

anymommy said...

No. no. no. lalalalalala. Continuing to pretend they are easier until my comeuppance about ten years from now.


Gucci Mama said...

I'm covering my ears and stomping and refusing to hear your words. I learned this technique from my three year old and it seems to work for him. Wish me luck. I like it in my fantasy land.

WarsawMommy said...

Yeah. I suspected as much. Mine is 3.5 years and already stretches the bounds of my patience to unbelievable lengths.

BTW, babe, you got an award from little old MOI!! It's on my site ;)

Unknown said...

Maybe there are some boys who are easy, but mine certainly isn't! However, I will say that having a tween-age daughter isn't all it's cracked up to be, either. In some respects, my son IS easier than her. I'm still trying to decide about the youngest. ;-)

CaraBee said...

Maybe boys are easier the first 10 years to make up for being harder the second 10? Truthfully, though, I don't think either sex is easy in the pre-teen/teen years.

My word veri is mousplow. I don't know why, but I think that is funny.

Mom24 said...

Okay, two of each here. Bad news. Boys ARE easier--they're just not easy. Did someone forget that part?

tracey.becker1@gmail.com said...

Hmmmm.... I don't know. I have seen the horrors of pre-teen girls that I love and the JOY! of my own pre-teen son and I have to say that my particular 11 year old boy gives every girl a solid run for the money on angst.

Kamis Khlopchyk said...

People tell me this all the time and then I introduce them to my 8 almost 9 year old.

I call bullsh!t on that statement!

Daisygirl said...

haha, I can see it! My boys are not even in school yet and I can so see them being more drama like than my daughter!

*~(boom)~* said...

I hear ya. I don't have a girl, and my son is only 6 months old...but, oh, he has a flair for the dramatic side of things. I certainly don't see him getting any easier.

And, my word verification is "medtke". Hmmm...there might be something in that. Meds, anyone?

Michelle said...

Mmmm I dunno. My girl is definitely harder than my boy. And she's only 4. Well 4 3/4 as of today - which she keeps incessatnly reminding me of!

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