I'm always happy when delurking day comes around because I get to meet more of you that read but don't comment. So come on, folks! Let me know. Make my day better! Give me a big number to make my life have greater value!
Hi Tracey - me again, peeking in your windows! I love both your blogs - just wish I had time to stop by every day! The visit never fails to put a smile on my face. So glad I found your blog. Thanks!
Poetry Month in our Homeschool
Sure, you *can *force a kid to read a book. Any book, actually. But you
*can't* force a child to love to read. You can't push and push literature
on them a...
Oh yeah.... I forgot I had a homeschool blog!
1st Grade!
5th Grade!
8th Grade!
Chillaxin after a hard day with cucumbers on their eyes... "spa day" is
what they called it. Evan did his spelling word...
Ooh, I didn't know it was delurker day. I'll be adding this button to my post.
Hope you're well.
haha, thats great!
I rarely write but I always read. Lisa from NH
You are in my reader. HIYA!
I read, I read!
I don't think I'm a lurker, but everyone needs more comments. Have a great day!!
*waves* I always read, but don't always get a chance to comment - I know, I know, bad blogging buddy! I'll try harder, I promise.
No lurking here. I'm straight up in your face. Tough getting rid of me actually. Lucky you. Har.
Had no idea delurker day even existed. Thanks for reminding us that you don't just like to write, you like to engage!
Howdy! I am a pretty new follower, but thought I'd say hi!
I'm always here. :-)
I'm so not a lurker but I know comments are fun! And the post above is HILARIOUS! What's my name fool?! Too cute.
Hi Tracey - me again, peeking in your windows! I love both your blogs - just wish I had time to stop by every day! The visit never fails to put a smile on my face. So glad I found your blog. Thanks!
I know I'm late to be delurking, but I love your blog and thought I'd say HI!!!!!
I lurk more than I post!
A bit late, but hello!! :)
I'm still here reading :)
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