Thursday, October 01, 2009

Who can I blame, now?

So, if I'm homeschooling them, and their main influences occur within the home or family unit, and Evan makes a remark so crude that it makes me stop playing Bejeweled Blitz (AMAZING feat in this house), then who is to blame?

Communists. I can blame communists, right?

Or being immunized as a baby. That is most likely the reason.


Unknown said...

Little boys often say things for the "Shock Value". Which is why little boys used to regularly get their mouths washed out with soap. Which is something we don't do anymore, given that I grew up when things were FAR more primitive than they are today. Besides, the little smartass kids today would probably eat the soap, which wuld kinda defeat the purpose, dontcha think?

Kamis Khlopchyk said...

Communists, yes, that has to be it. Wait, do you even know any?



Manic Mommy said...

Ooh! Blaming their immunizations! How very Jenny McCarthy of you! I like it (and plan to use it)!

Mom24 said...

Blame Obama, it seems to work for everyone else. ;-)

CaraBee said...

How funny, I just made a communist remark on Twitter. And yes, it is definitely their fault.

Gucci Mama said...

Probably you had them immunized by the communists, and that combination proved to be your downfall. You missed that day in Parenting 101, huh? ;)

Badness Jones said...

Blame the Universe darling, and when you figure out a solution, please e-mail me with it?

Gettysburg Mom said...

Leftover influence from public school, clearly.


okay tracey - if you EVER don't leave me a comment b/c you think i already have TOO MANY COMMENTS i am going to GIVE YOU A SPANKING! DO YOU HEAR ME MISSY?! DO. YOU. HEAR. ME.

i abso love getting a wide range of comments, b/c i ask a question at the end and i thoroughly enjoy reading the variety of comments that are left for me to peruse, and you will stand out if you leave such a well thought out comment like the last one you just left

so take that you milk-drinking oh i'm too tired to think of an appropriate name. you milk drinker. that's so lame i need to go to bed already

Matty said...

Things just have a way of sneaking into their minds. From every direction. It just happens.

BTW, I found your blog by doing just what you recommended. I read your comment on Speaking From the Crib about followers, and liked what you said. I often check out other blogs by clicking on the other readers who have also commented.

Life Laugh Latte said...

Love the "milk" photo of you! Terrific. Thanks so much for coming by Always a treat to see a new face. Looking forward to getting to know you more. :)Holly

Susan Berlien said...

Oh Man! I was blamming the bus and the TV...maybe you're right. Must be the communists. :)

S3XinthePantry said...

Friends in the neighborhood?

The first time my daughter heard a swear word she was 2 and we were returning our shopping cart. The lady in front of us couldn't get a cart out and said the s word with such force.

My daughter repeated the word the whole ride home.

I had to ignore her. It worked. She hasn't said it since (that I know of, anyway!)

Katie said...

I personally just blame their friends/cousins who still attend public schools. Then I look at my husband and say, "Socialization? THERE'S YOUR SOCIALIZATION."

Issa said...

Too many fruit snacks as a toddler maybe? ;)

Tonya said...

I say candy just blame candy!

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