Friday, August 21, 2009

Sweet Dreams Aren't Made of This

Ever have a night where your dream is so real and detailed that when you awaken, your brain keeps the dream going? Except it was a CRAPPY dream, full of horrible things, and you wake up shaking with fury because how could that BE? What is up with THAT? And you stomp downstairs, shaking your fist and muttering about how you're going to Whup! Some! ASS!! And it isn't until you hear the dial tone of the phone, calling your unsuspecting (and innocent) husband at 5 am, that your consciousness FINALLY kicks into gear and you realize: AHA! Dream. Not real. DREEEEEAM.....

Ever have that happen?


Unknown said...

Oh yes!

You know what's just as bad? Dreaming that you've sold 20 copies of your book, only to wake up and realize THAT was a dream. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Multiple times. I think the husband recognizes the look in my eyes by now - and knows that whatever he did in my dream, it's going to take awhile for me to come back to reality :)

Unknown said...

No, I can't say that I have - but I HAVE had to defend myself against SWMBO's dreams several times. I think it must be a girl thing.

Me said...

All the time. And really, all the time but mostly because I'm pregnant. I'm having crazy/confusing/wake-me-up-sobbing-and-can't-figure-out-why dreams lately. Hormones! But. Before I was pregnant? Yes. Yes indeed.

Mommy Melting Pot said...

I had a dream I was bitten by a snake the other night. In the dream, I could hear the hissing sound coming from inside a box, but I was like one of those dummies you see in those movies and opened the box up.

I also had a dream once where I won the lottery. Talk about a BIG LETDOWN when I woke up. I wanted to cry.

anymommy said...

Yes! I've been mad all day about a dream thing Matt did. Except he didn't do it... weird.

CaraBee said...

You know what my dreams are like: BAD. But I have never woken up and gone so far as to make a phone call before realizing it wasn't real. Although once, I sleep-rearranged the furniture in my room. Talk about a shock when I woke up.

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