I live in the Midwest, for crying out loud! The SUBURBS of the Midwest, to be even more blunt.
In the suburbs, jeans and tops are meant for wearing to the grocery store, school, washing the floor, planting flowers.
In the suburbs, our clothing must be able to withstand a jam-packed washing machine after getting finger paints and mac-n-cheese smeared on them.
In the suburbs, our clothing must be found at stores we can actually DRIVE to and afford to not only purchase but also replace in case of red wine and kool-aid stains. (though I don't recommend mixing the wine and kool-aid...)
In the suburbs, "dress clothes" is something you wear OUT, not to do your errands in. And yet, those dressy clothes need to be able to make it through goodbye hugs, frigid weather, and long car rides.
Basically: the typical* Midwest suburban woman needs a wardrobe that is sturdy, affordable and long-lasting.
It is for these reasons that shows such as What Not to Wear really burn my hair.
Let's ignore the fact that most of the time, the crew sneaks into a person's home and TAKES THEIR BELONGINGS. In my book, this is nothing more than breaking and entering with a second charge of burglary. I don't care if my mother let you in! It's not her home!! (I know that sometimes the husband or roommate or someone else who lives in the home lets them in. That's just a case of No Respect for my Privacy and boy are you going to pay the price when the cameras are gone, bucko).
Let's also ignore the fact that the cast is incredibly demeaning and cruel to a person who may have poor fashion sense because, oh, I don't know, they also have a poor self-esteem? Or they don't have $5000 sitting in an account waiting to be spent on only themselves? Perhaps they have things like bills and food and children to pay for? Perhaps they need to buy items on SALE and only 1 at a time, like the rest of the world?? Yeah, let's make fun of someone who isn't as hip and cool as we are, Stacey and Clinton! That doesn't bring me back to my junior high school memories of being teased for not needing a bra or having a weird hairdo! Not at ALL!!
(Like how I "ignored" those facts?)
Instead, let's focus on the actual shopping trip, ok?
Oh joy! The victims always so willing and gung ho to go on a shopping spree. They're always thrilled at the prospect of finding tons and tons of clothing they love. But what kills the show for me Every. Single. Time. is this:
If I don't LIVE in New York City**, and I don't normally SPEND exorbitant amounts of money on clothing for myself, the sticker shock alone would destroy any and ALL fun that a shopping spree would bring.
I don't WANT $100 jeans! I don't WANT fancy pointy-toed shoes that I can't wear to soccer practice without getting my heels stuck in the dirt! I NEED those t-shirts and jeans that I can replace if my children want me to crawl around on the floor in a tent made of sheets. I cannot sit around, refusing to play with my children because I'm worried that my outfit costs more than a week's worth of food does.
You know what I want to see, Stacey and Clinton? I want to see a show where the average person is REALLY helped. Don't bring me to a city to buy clothing that won't fit with my lifestyle. Don't have me purchase things that I have to get dry-cleaned or altered. That doesn't fit in my budget! The reason women have jeans that don't look perfect on them isn't because they can't see the difference. It's because we can't AFFORD to change the inseam/waist/hips/etc. Most of us aren't so vain or wealthy that we spend thousands of dollars on ourselves in 2 YEARS, let alone 2 days.
I would really like to see a REAL What Not To Wear challenge. I'd like to see them outfit a woman such as myself, within means that are truly fathomable. I'm talking $100 for a new wardrobe, not $100 for a new outfit. I need help finding clothing that will flatter me on a daily basis that is PRACTICAL, not ridiculous.
Just to prove that I believe it's possible to outfit a woman with very little money, I present you with my purchases from Saturday. (I had a gift card from Christmas, which is the only reason I went shopping. Hello Budget and 3 Growing Kids!)
Updated with prices even though NO ONE guessed!!
How much did these articles of clothing cost? (the pants are quite nice, actually. My butt rocks in them...)
And here the dress, shoes and necklace I got for the wedding last October..Any guesses?
on for $80..)
A spring dress I picked up that same day for no reason other than I didn't have any dresses for casual wear... (You can't see it, but it's a really lovely material...)
Gratuitous cute kid shots. Notice the hat that said kid is wearing. His daddy just bought it (for himself) for a steal...
Hat: $5.00 Kid: Priceless
I'm not saying my clothes are quite as fashionable as the ones on the show. But? The idea is that they will last me for quite some time, didn't break the bank (at ALL) and are pieces that make sense for my lifestyle.
*Typical as in, Just Like ME.
** No offense to my NYC friends. I am sure I would stick out like a sore thumb in your neck of the woods just as much as you would in mine...
I don't watch that show...but have heard about it! I must say I LOVE fashion, love to follow the trends and I like my clothing! Sound snobby(really I'm so NOT)...don't get me wrong...I don't spend fortunes on fashion and trends...like you mentioned some do...you don't have to, to be "trendy"/fashionable! It was my area of study in college, fashion is fun and a hobby of mine, but sooo not necessary! I too have my multi-purpose "mom" jeans:) Cute dresses!!!
I have threatened to murder anyone who puts me up for that show. And I would definitely turn them down. And I agree about not shopping in boutiques. I DID live in NYC for almost my whole life, and I didn't shop where they shop. My everyday clothes were a little dressier, but STILL.
Stacy and Clinton suck. And they're mean. Also, if you're throwing out my entire wardrobe, I need more than 5000 spent at high end stores to replace it.
I live in NYC, but am originally from your area and I stick out here too. I think I'm the ONLY person who wears tennis shoes here! Comfy beats style in my book every day!
Great post! I agree with everything you said 100%!!!!!! My wardrobe consists of jeans, sweatshirts and more jeans and sweatshirts. "Dressy" clothes no longer exist.....
I was watching one of the morning shows the other day and they did a segment on "Which one is the steal?" They would bring out two women dressed very similar... one would be wearing almost $1000 of designer duds. But the similar outfits that were supposed to be a "steal" were still $200!! I don't think I have EVER paid more than $30 for a pair of jeans. I'm a second hand store, clearance rack, garage sale kind of girl. It's hard sometimes because I live in an area where people DO get dressed up to run errands. I see women in Costco in high heels all the time. It's insane... I feel a tad out of place in my jeans and t-shirt, but at least I'm comfortable :)
Nobody is GUESSING....
I agree Melissa. $200 a steal? HAHAHAHAHA!!!!
I'm with you on everything except the jeans. I might have a little bit of a jean problem.
Otherwise, hello old navy and oh do I love outlets!
Yup, I watch that show from time to time and they throw out my clothes so often I feel like running to the closet at commercial break to see if I have anything left! Sweatshirts, jeans, t-shirts, sneakers...it all goes in their rubbish bin because it's not fashionable. I need practical around here, folks! I'd love to see Stacy wrangle a pony's worm medicine in $200 skinny jeans or go clam digging in those stiletto heels she likes. They never seem to take into account that there are spaces in your life that require functional clothing. I dress up when the occasion calls, but most of the time real life can't be lived if you're worried about wrecking your haute couture.
I am so with you on all of this but yet? I love that show!
I know, I know! But I don't shop like that...not at all. But I do get good ideas from it, but I buy them at Old Navy not Norstroms....
I agree, Tracey. We don't have that particular show here, but similar ones. Normal people can't afford to buy the clothes they recommend, nor would they have the opportunity to wear most of them!
I am a very thrify shopper when it comes to clothing, and never spend large amounts of money on something I am only going to wear around the house or to the supermarket. Even my "dressy" clothes are not high-end boutique purchases, but well-made and affordable items that LOOK great and will not break the bank.
Today, for example, I bought a totally cute sundress for only $17 (that's $NZ too!) at our local Warehouse (similar to your Target). Score!
What a great post. I don't have cable so not watching that show, but I have seen it before. I always get a kick out of the moms that come to play places with their kids in high heels and fancy clothes. I'm thinking really you are in a kids place!
Yes! While I admit that I love seeing the clothes and outfits that get put together on that show, the price tags are outrageous for most people. I wouldn't want to wear $200 pants, $300 shoes, and a $150 shirt while chasing a toddler around. My husband and I also hate how mean Stacey and Clinton can be.
$200 as a steal for one outfit? Ha! Last fall I took advantage of the big sale at Macy's and got about 6 cute tops, most at 75% off, and several pairs of pants all for a total of $200.
I love that show! And I would totally take their $5,000 and buy new clothes. I don't really see too many people on there who are sahm's. I wonder how they would dress them. They are mean, but in some episodes when the person feels really bad about themselves, Stacey and Clinton lay off a little. I could never really go on there, they'd make me cut off my dreads!! ha.
I think all the clothes you just bought are cute!
I actually love WNTW. I think I've seen every episode that's ever been made. I agree with you about the cost of some of the clothes, but they do take a lot of the women to cheaper stores (ie: places were I would actually shop), including The Gap, H&M, and Filene's Basement, so not everything they buy is super expensive. And Stacy and Clinton aren't all that mean. They have to play up their reactions to make "good tv" but more often than not, they're encouraging women to see their inner beauty, dress for their current size (instead of the size they wish they were), and how to pick clothes that flatter their unique figures. I wish someone would do that for me!
I completely agree with you. Bring on a Target or Kohl's challenge any day. Those are where I tend to go for my "nicer" clothing!
GREAT post, Tracey!!!
The majority of the time, I'm wearing sweats or yoga pants. And I have two basic shoes - boots and flip flops - to match our two seasons - "bone-chilling cold" and "slightly warmer." The only jewelery I wear is my wedding ring. It's just all so frivolous to me because I (personally) don't have a purpose for dressing up. Oh, and I also can't afford to. LOL!
I am not afraid to say that I love that show. Yes sometimes the clothes cost quite a bit but many times they shop at H&M or Filene's or inexpensive places like that.
I think what they are trying to get across is that it's not the money, it's that little extra bit of effort to make ladies feel good about themselves. Living in Los Angeles I could easily wear jeans everyday but I've been trying to get out of the denim rut and try new things. Honestly, putting a little more attention to what I'm wearing (not necessarily dressing up) makes me feel good, like I'm a person too, not just the lady who prepares PB&J.
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