Sunday, October 19, 2008

Sunday quickie

vol·un·teer (väl′ən tir) noun -

1. a person who chooses freely to do or offer to do something...

2. a person who chooses freely to enter into any transaction with no promise of compensation

Notice that nowhere in the definition of the word "volunteer" does it say payment is rendered? Or that people have the right to treat volunteers as though they are providing a service that has been paid for, thereby giving the person benefiting from the volunteer's efforts the "right" to get bitchy about any "inadequacy" in said services? Notice that?

Why is this difficult for some people to understand? Why, after my first weekend of doing actual Cub Scout stuff with my new den, do I feel both proud of myself and ready to quit?

Honestly. If someone is making you upset, or you don't agree with their choices, you have every reason to disagree. However, if that someone is a volunteer providing services for you or your child, you have every OBLIGATION to be respectful!

And, on that note, I step down from my soap box. Exhausted and frustrated, but not willing to throw in the towel.


Kristin said...

I think that I need to print out this post. If I ever decide to volunteer again (not likely) I will submit it before hand for review.

Anonymous said...

OH, I so get this! I have just finished organising our church camp (yes, I was a VOLUNTEER) and I know exactly what you are saying about being proud of yourself and ready to quit at the same time! I felt like that All. Weekend.

Perhaps you could "gently" remind the haters that you are indeed a volunteer who gives up her OWN free time to run something for OTHERS, without any compensation. I think people forget this too easily!

CaraBee said...

Every time I have volunteered to help out with something, it has come back to bite me in the a$$ via nasty "customers" like the parents of your cub scouts. It makes me not want to volunteer again but I keep doing it. I guess I'm just a sucker.

Gucci Mama said...

I volunteered a lot at different community and church deals before Josh was born. I remember *those* people. Now I'm the president of a non-profit called Montana Mamas, and for the most part people are wonderful, but there are those with this sense of "serve me now, I am entitled" that make me want to, I don't know, scream or something. Sorry the stinky parents are driving you nuts. Hope it gets better;)

anymommy said...

People suck sometimes. Hang in there. It's the kids that are important, not the disrespectful parents.

Anonymous said...

You are absolutely right! I never ceases to amaze me how many people complain and then do nothing to help out. Arghhh

I was the PTA pres for 2 years and it was a thankless job for the most part. The same FEW people volunteer over and over, while others make 'suggestions', yet refuse to head up coommittees or help out. Frustrating, I know.

pita-woman said...

You're totally correct, I think I should forward this to the chief of our local VOLUNTEER fire dept.
But don't give up on volunteering altogether. Sometimes it's a matter of finding your niche in the world that has a good balance of give/take. I've done so many things over the years, sometimes only once before giving up, but the place I'm involved with now I just LOVE. I get such a feeling of accomplishment & peace, my volunteer work is my "therapy".
Hang in there!

Unknown said...

I agree completely. Whenever someone is rude to me when I'm volunteering, I usually call them on it and tell them to get their butt in my place.

Gettysburg Mom said...

proving no good deed goes unpunished...

Tonya said...

sounds like a bummer. we really need to get together soon.

kimmy said...

You go girl!!!!


Beck said...

People who mistreat volunteers are JACKASSES. Really. I mean, I'm giving up my Wednesday night to hang out with your kid and 10 others and you're going to complain to me about some eensy thing that's beyond my control? NICE.

Melissa said...

I see that in my church time and time again. We don't have a paid clergy. Everyone is a volunteer! And yet, people take advantage of them over and over! It's maddening! I'm sorry you're dealing with this. Ask some of your complainers to help out and see how that goes...

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