(I also like that poor Dakota is being held the entire time, without moving! Though he does utter a Meow somewhere in the middle...)
What? My daughter's voice wasn't crystal clear? Well, for those of you unable to understand, here are the lyrics to her new favorite song. Hope your weekend is as bright as a rainbow. I know. I am in a freaking cheesy mood and I'm going with it!
Red, red, red ball...
Blue, blue, blue sky...
Green, green, grass that grows.
White, white, white snow...
Black, black, black crow....
Pink, a kitten's nose.
Yellow sunshine,
Turquoise sea....
Purple mountains majesty...
Red and blue and green and pink and yellow, black and white...
All the colors of the rainbow,
Make the world so bright!
Hey, anyone know where to find the credits to link to this song? I think it was an old Nick Jr song from Justin's babyhood. We used to sing it off of a Nick cd (I believe..)
Just trying to give credit where credit's due!
Red and blue and green and pink and yellow, black and white...
All the colors of the rainbow,
Make the world so bright!
Hey, anyone know where to find the credits to link to this song? I think it was an old Nick Jr song from Justin's babyhood. We used to sing it off of a Nick cd (I believe..)
Just trying to give credit where credit's due!
Too darn cute. That brings a smile to my face.
Great pix. That last one was beautiful!
your blog is so freakin adorable. I love it! Have a great weekend!
Beautiful post! Awesome pics to go along! Loved the video, too cute! (I can't believe the cat stayed still that long either!)
Not what I expected.
I am so glad you posted this. I have had a rotten, I mean R O T T E N week. And I can't blog about it, because my husband, 2 best friends, mom, and mil all apparently read my blog. But your video? Made me think of how cute my 3 yo was this morning. I really feel like I need to reign it all in, stay home more, and enjoy what counts... my KIDS! Then the rest of them all can just go to... well, let's keep it family friendly!
Aww... very sweet. Have a great weekend, Tracey.
Cheesy is good! Love the pictures! And the video was super cute!
Cheesy works sometimes. Such a happy post. Thanks.
She's a doll.... but I can't get over how your cat let's her pick him up! Geez, my cats are SUCKS!
I just LOVE this post. It makes me happy!
I can NOT believe that cat stayed so still!!!
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