Thursday, October 16, 2008

Not my proudest moment...

"I don't wannnnna go to fencing anymore! It's boooooring!!!"

"Hey, Mommy! WHY can't I play Xbox? WHY do we have to go to Justin's class? Wahhahhahhh..."

"Can I have a piece of candy? Whyyyy nooooottt?!?!?"

Ok, so multiply those complaints by, oh, 2 gagillion. Figure out how frustrated you would feel with the addition of a sinus headache compounded by several errands you are running over in your head. Throw in a steady drizzle making everything muddy and your hair flat, and you'll get a pretty clear picture of me at around 6:30 last night...

After sitting for half an hour on the filthy gymnasium floor, breaking up scuffles between my youngest 2 and pulling them down from the volleyball nets, I was a leeeeetle bit stressed. So when Corinne was giggling maniacally about running away from me again, I was definitely not careful enough when I pulled back on her arm to stop her from escaping down the hall. But that doesn't give me excuse enough to justify that she sat down and began to whimper, holding her little arm.



I removed her from the gym, (and any judgemental eyes, though I believe I was the only one calling myself a Bad Parent right then...) and checked her arms in the hallway. Nothing appeared popped out of joint and nothing seemed immediately swollen, but she insisted on letting it hang limp and whimpering like a small puppy...

Thankfully, the class was ending and we were able to jet home. I was berating myself over not THINKING about nursemaid's elbow and letting my frustration come through in my actions instead of my words. (Use Your Words!) I was trying to figure out how long to let her rest before taking her to the ER... Which, PLEASE don't make me take her to the ER at 8 pm in the rain in her purple princess dress....

After giving her a good dose of ibuprofen and some comfy jammies, she snuggled with me in my bed and about 6 pacifiers while we watched the season finale of Project Runway. Which, normally? I wouldn't encourage my almost 3 year old to watch models strutting their stuff but the beautiful dresses distracted her enough that she forgot about her owie arm.

She spent the night between Patrick and I, each of us checking on her every few minutes, making sure it wasn't swollen or causing her distress. Miraculously, her arm is ok today. Just a strained muscle or something, I guess. But enough to make me extremely ashamed, embarrassed and promising to take more care with the things I hold most dear....

Speaking of dear things, go congratulate Kristi on her twins and Amy on her son!! Lots of beautiful babies being born this week!!


Gucci Mama said...

I hate those moments of action and then immediate regret followed by feeling like the biggest boob alive. We all have them though. Don't beat yourself up too much. Hope this day is better and you start feeling better soon! Sinus headaches are the worst!

Unknown said...

My wife has long nails and she's accidentally scratched my son during whiny moments. It happens. What's important is that you're a good mommy and she knows that. No worries.

Beck said...

My husband's grandmother was walking with his cousin (who was two) and the cousin stepped off the sidewalk, yanking his arm hard enough to cause it to be dislocated. She still feels bad about it now, 30 years later - but these things HAPPEN.
I'm glad your bad day was yesterday adn that today is shiny and new.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

A good reminder!

Anonymous said...

You know I'm not having my proudest WEEK ... so I feel your pain. I think we've all accidentally hurt our kids when trying to restrain them, not only the arm thing but stratching with long nails, or just not realising our own strength. Don't feel bad, she's okay now and you were there for her to comfort her in the right way.

Anonymous said...

Don't beat yourself up! It happens. She's probably at the age where she also understands that she can 'milk the pain' also. Not that it really didn't hurt at the time (probably, she was more stunned than hurt)

Little girls are the best at performing...maybe it was a bit surprise, a bit MILD pain, and a bit dramatic actress. Maybe not, but that's always been my experience. Once my daughter at 3 layed in the middle of the mall screaming "You can't make me go, you are NOT my mother!"
(she had never ever even came close to this behavior. - it was also the last time.)
Good luck and don't be too hard on yourself.

Melissa said...

Ah... you're not alone... one time I reached out to grab my son by the shoulder and he leaned in at the same time and I popped him in the face. Left a lovely little red mark :S

Anonymous said...

I think we all have at least one moment like that as a parent. I keep reminding myself that The Bean will be fine despite the mistakes I make.

anymommy said...

I've had these moments (weeks?). You shake yourself off and use it to remind yourself, just like you did, because you're an incredible mom.

Melissa Martin said...

Don't be so hard on yourself. We've all been there. One time last year Munchkin decided to dart one way when I was holding her hand and bam! nursemaids elbow and a trip to the doctor. Hope today's better for you!

Anonymous said...

I gave Sam nursemaid's elbow once when I was just playing with him. It really doesn't take a lot of force. And it happens to the best of us, sweetie. You know that. I totally screamed at my kids today. Awful.

Anyway, is it me or was that runway show totally lame? So boring. I mean, all of Leanne's stuff looked the same, and yet she won? Because the others were pretty boring too? Dude.

Run ANC said...

I've had days like those. If you are a Bad Parent (and I don't think you are), then you are not alone.

Alex Elliot said...

I think most parents have had days like that. You know why you're not a bad parent? Because not only was an accident and you feel bad about it, but you kept checking her to make sure she didn't need medical care.

Kelli @ writing the waves said...

Geez...I think we've all been there at one time or another. I didn't know the term for the elbow thing, but my friend's little boy had that happen while they were trying to put his shirt on. Crazy!

Michelle said...

don't be too hard on yourself; I've grabbed Kayla too hard before and immediately realized what happened and then feel just awful about it afterwards. You weren't intentionally trying to inflict harm on her. I think all kids try our patience and we act in the moment. I'm sure she knows how much you love her.

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