Saturday, October 25, 2008

My Own Personal "Cake Wrecks"

Have you read this site? Gotta love it. Professional cakes that are less than, um, professional. At least MY cakes were made with love and verrrrrry little money!!

And so, without any further ado, My baking skills and their growth, demise, and rebirth, throughout a decade...

Ahhh... Justin's first birthday. I was a bit more neurotic back then and the cake was Carrot. Yes. I gave my poor baby CARROT cake on his birthday. The best part, though? He was very particular (go figure!) and only ate 1 or 2 bites of cake while he very methodically chopped up the rest with a spoon (because a fork? He could hurt himself!!)
Boo Boo is 2! And I decided that my cake skilz needed to be proven. Here we see how I cut, frosted and decorated a gorgeous choo choo. And I discovered that frosting cut cakes SUCKS. Never again, I swore...

WHAT is up with my scanner here? Can't get the picture full size... Doesn't matter because I DIDN'T MAKE THIS ONE!! HA!! I was 8 months pregnant. Did you really think I wanted to make yet another train cake? I don't think so. Doesn't matter, anyway, because Justin hated the birthday song. Cried and screamed till we stopped. Also? He didn't want to open his presents... Good times..

"I want a rocket cake, Mommy!" To which I said NO WAY am I cutting that. And drew, with my awesome artistic skills, the lovely rocket you see before you. I also learned by now to have extra sprinkles and candies for the kids who didn't get them on their piece of cake...
Ahhh... the volcano phase. Because of this phase of Justin's, I now know more about the Earth's plates and movements than I ever planned. Also? 1 can of chocolate frosting is not enough when making a volcano cake. Have extra on hand...

Here you see my abilities to pilfer through their toys before decorating a cake. A-ha! Tiny Spongebob toys from a board game!! Perfect!! (And Yes, Steph. I DID wash them before putting them on the cake...)
Lovely. What a happy birthday boy! His demeanor has nothing to do with the fact that his mom only made boring cupcakes (that he decorated) and a simple chocolate cake. The End. In fact, the reason the cakes were so dull was that he, at this point, hated cake and wanted nothing to do with the whole process...

And HERE we have evidence of what happens when you tell your husband to please "handle the cake stuff" while you're in the other room, cleaning the wrapping paper up. You will come into the room to find the cake half cut without a song being sung. Your son will get his birthday candle on half of an angel food cake...
Evan's 2nd cake. (not quite sure where the first birthday cake picture is...) Awwwww..... He loved balls of all kinds and his first word became his 2nd cake...
"I want a train cake like Justin had, Mommy!" Yeah. NO. How about a "Candyland" cake, eh? He loved it. That's all that matters....
The fish cake, which is all about how many tiny ball candies we could stick on it....
The worm cake, ala Max and Ruby. DELICIOUS. I even put banana filling inside.
Ahem. Corinne's first birthday cake... It's a cat. In case it wasn't evident.... (hiding under my desk...)
Here is what happens when you trust your third grader to take the picture of the birthday cake for you. Anyway, she wanted Minnie Mouse. Here's Minnie. Ta-da.... She was happy, though!

And today's cake: Tinkerbell! She is thrilled with the flowers and vines. And Tink is actually a new toy that she gets to keep when we're done eating. 2 birds with 1 stone and all, right?

So, I showed you mine. You show me yours. ;)


Christina said...

Those are all some pretty cool cakes! I have zero talent with cake making, so I'm impressed with your mad cake skillz. The tinkerbell cake is so cute. And the fish cake is an awesome idea.

Gucci Mama said...

CARROT cake? Monster.
I think I just may try my hand at making the cake myself for Josh's birthday this year. I bought a beautiful cake for his first birthday; unfortunately it tasted like feet.
Your cakes are lovely! I'm very impressed! Any chance you want to fly to Montana the first week in December? Puh puh puh please?

Gettysburg Mom said...

I can't find a picture of Patrick the Starfish. It's probably for the best.

Atlee wanted Nemo last year. Who knows if the link will post.

Gettysburg Mom said...

That would be a no then. It's a shame because Nemo's tail looks like a growth of some sort. :)

anymommy said...

Genius. And, it totally looked like a cat.

Tonya said...

wow you make great cakes. I don't think I have pictures of all the cakes we've ever done! It would be a really long post too :) All 17 birthdays!

Anonymous said...

Ummm, yeah, all my cakes over all the years are so perfect I'd almost hate to show you them! LOL, yeah, riiiight.

I may go and try to find some old pics....if I do I'll post (eventually). I enjoyed looking at your cakes though...and that cake link you put up? OMGosh, some of those were reallllly bad!

Laski said...

I only have one to show and it is the most boring cake EVER. But, the frosting was perfection, I must admit (and so easy to scoop out of the tub).

You are way better than you think, mama!

I'm impressed.

Kat said...

Wow! I'm impressed!

CaraBee said...

What fine work you've done! Although the worm cake is a might creepy. I love, love, love Cake Wrecks! I'm always amazed by the cakes on there.

Anonymous said...

OMG! The cake stories are hilarious... I know it's weird, but I was just cracking up thinking how you had stuff all over your face and hair in a pony tail and such. Crack up!

Karen said...

OMG So much cake in one post. I'm CRAVING cake now thanks a lot. :-)

I LOVE the fish cake...and the tinkerbell one is too cute!

Mmmm cake!

Unknown said...

Those are awesome although I'm wondering if the first train can also drill to the center of the earth. Because that would be extra cool.

Crafty Mama said...

I'm impressed that you kept photo evidence. Pictures of my cake wrecks get misplaced regularly.

Oh, and congrats! You won the Yoplait giveaway! Check back on Sundays for more gift sets to win.

Anonymous said...

The fact that you made each cake is amazing in itself. My 4 yo DD has not had a cake yet that wasn't bought from a store. I am hoping someday to make actual homeade cakes like you.

Anonymous said...

I think you did great. Better than what I would have done!

Mum-me said...

They all look great to me - and your children loved them, which is all that matters in the end!

Cynthia said...

Well, now I feel like a slacker. I just head up to Dinkle's and buy a cake:P

You rock!

Beck said...

Your cake skills are quite impressive now!
And I made a SUGARLESS, UNFROSTED, CARROT-WHEAT GERM cake for my Girl's first birthday. OH YES I DID. And then we carefully cut it up into atom-sized bites so she wouldn't choke.
Off to apologize....

Mom24 said...

Those are amazing cakes...what a mom! I love that site BTW.

Anonymous said...

They all look great to me, Tracey! I also really enjoyed reading your commentary about each one. Might have to steal that for a post idea one day!
I LOVE making cakes for the kids' birthdays. I don't care if they don't turn out perfect, I think it means more to my boys that I spent the time making it myself. I know I appreciate that MY mum did that, it was special.

the mama bird diaries said...

Girl, you are a cake talent! Very cute photos.

Mojavi said...

they are only wrecks if you pay someone else to make them! those are called mommy cakes :) and they are awesome!!!

pita-woman said...

1st of all, I applaud you're efforts... I HATE store/bakery cakes, besides the fact they're usually tasteless, it just says to me the person giving me the cake didn't care enough to take the time and even TRY to bake it themselves... so I totally agree with Hannah on that topic.
2nd, I'm glad you explained the volcano cake... sorry, but I thought it looked like a pile of sh*t (and yes, I've seen cakes that were made to intentionally look like a pile of sh*t).
3rd, They all looked great, but I especially loved the fish cake, very creative!

Anonymous said...

Fun cakes!! "Wrecks" or not! LOL

Damselfly said...

I could qualify for that site!

Kristi said...

Wow! I am seriously impressed with your skillz. And I hear you about the agony of frosting cakes. I absolutely SUCK at it. Baking a cake? That I can handle. Artistically decorating/frosting it? Must.Hire.A.Professional.

Love that cat cake!

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