Wednesday, October 08, 2008

It's not lying, it's Resourceful Parenting.

Folding laundry on the family room floor and Corinne comes over to play with her princesses. Her hair is all slicked down which is strange as I usually don't try to make her look like Everett...

Tracey: Hey, what's on your hair?

Corinne: Nuffing, Mommy. Nuffing is on my hair...

Tracey: Um, your hair's wet, so something is on your hair. Did you slick it down with water in the bathroom?

Corinne: Um, yes. Yes, I used water, Mommy....

Tracey: (smelling a rat) Come here. (patting her head) Your hair is kind of crunchy and smells like my apple body spray! Did you use my spray?

Corinne: (indignantly)No, Mommy! I not use your spray! It's NUFFING, Mommy!! I not put anyfing on my hair!!

Tracey: Corinne Theresa. You are lying to Mommy...

Corinne: (interrupting) NO MOMMY!! I NOT LYING!!! (angry eyebrows and hands on hips)

Tracey:(pointing and gasping) Your nose!! OH NO!! YOUR NOSE!! It's growing just like Pinocchio's did when he lied to his Daddy! You had better tell the truth quickly or it will be big for forever!!!! (insert much dramatics and very convincing facial expressions)

Corinne: (Eyes grow extremely huge as her hands clasp over her nose) (incoherent gasp of fear) I used your spray!! I'M SORRY!! I USED YOUR SPRAY, MOMMY!!!!!

Tracey: Whew. That was a close one, honey. You had better always tell the truth or your nose will stretch across the room. Remember that, ok? Let me see your nose... Ah, yes. It looks better now.

Corinne: (eyes still wide and a look of utter fear on her face as she sniffs and runs to the bathroom to double check her schnoz.)

Scarring her for life? I think not. Hoping to get a few more weeks of truth out of her, though...


Kristi said...

Thanks for the laugh. I really needed this today. I'll have to file this one away for use later.

Anonymous said...

Wow! It's glad to know that trick works on someone. Bridget would shrug and probably say she could care less about having a big nose. Sigh . . .

PS - Bridget is ALWAYS getting into my things!

Kat said...

Hehehe. Good one. :)

Damselfly said...

Hahaha! That is great!

Anonymous said...

oh man that's funny!!!

Anonymous said...

LOL, how cute! Yeah, that should work for a couple years.

Hey, whatever you can get your mileage out of, works for me!

Gucci Mama said...

Logging away this little trick to use in future years...;)

Lynanne said...

Hilarious! I think I better get a pinocchio book ASAP, perhaps?

Desiree said...

Haha excellent trick :D

Karen said...

Yeah that's going to come out in therapy some day. :-)

Anonymous said...

Ah, sheer brilliance! Why didn't I think of that one when my boys were young enough to fall for it? Damn!

P.S. I have heard about a trick that seems to work though ... if you need to find out which child did something wrong, ask them to stick their tongues out. The one who is telling the truth will open their mouth wide and stick their tongue all the way out. The one who is lying will hardly part their lips, and only the tip of the tongue will emerge. Truly!

Anonymous said...

HA HA! That's great! I'll have to use it when the situation presents itself!

Beck said...


Kamis Khlopchyk said...

Classic quick thinking by the Mom!


Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Okay, that way so brilliant I just might use it on Emma some day...tee hee...

Marie said...

Oh, that was a RIOT!!!! Just what I needed trying to pull my crap together today. After spending a day tending a vomiting 7 yo, rainy day was not what I needed this morning!

Mum-me said...

Hilarious! My girls just rushed into my room to see why I was laughing so hard.

Yes, I have to admit I use 'tricks' like these with my children too. No, I can't think why anyone would refer to it as 'lying'.

Michelle said...

LOL I can just imagine the look on her face!

Tonya said...

That is called awesome parenting! I have done that before with my oldest with the same results :)

anymommy said...

Will be laughing for a long time. Love it.

Karin Katherine said...

Okay, that was hilarious.
When we had a problem with tattling I went in search of books on that. I found Tattlin' Madeline and a Case of Tattle Tongue. Now my boys look for their tongues to grow green and hairy....although truthfully they don't seem as concerned as their 3 year old sister.

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