Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Troll #1

Wow. I just had my first troll... A really unkind reference to my blog on a site that is like so many, yet claims to be original, with posts written by some unknown entity...

Whatever. I can still only type one-handed so I can't rant too long, nor edit. But I sure would like to link back to their site and reciprocate the rudeness... Trying to be bigger than that. Talk me through it, folks...


Type (little) a aka Michele said...

Sorry hon. It's hard not to let it get to you. Don't link it. Don't feed the trolls. Just ignore it.


Anonymous said...

I haven't commented in a while, but I wanted to come out of lurkdom to say I'm sorry about the troll. Troll's suck. I've only had one and I found out about it through linking as well. An offshoot of my old mommy board didn't like one of my posts and they were emailing it around. I totally called them out on it, but I'm a little immature like that.

Melissa said...

I have no idea how to even find out about trolls! I know what they are... but I don't think I've ever had one.
I'm sorry that you have to deal with this. Is she a cave troll?? Maybe you could go all Harry Potter on her and shove a wand up her... nose. Of course her nose! What did you think I would say?

Sarah said...

well darn, i tried to find it but couldn't. i was plotting revenge and everything. harumph.

Gucci Mama said...

Don't worry about the troll; the troll's an idiot.

I'm a little more concerned about your hand though...still not working right and it's been since yesterday? You may want to whip in to the doctor, my friend.


Gal on the Go said...

Oh man that's terrible. I'm sorry! I did mention you in my last blog post - with much gratitude I might add. Don't let it get to you. Some people are just plain mean!

Rebecca said...

Well, I'm either a big baby or a total b*tch, because I WANT you to link to it so we can all go over there and rip 'em a new one!!!!

Gettysburg Mom said...

Hello! Hello! Trolls and paralysis? Miss a week, miss a lifetime. Happy belated anniversary, as well!

Kat said...

The only reason anyone would ever say anything hurtful for no reason is out of jealousy. Plain and simple. My mom said it to me back to me in high school and now I say it to you.

Anonymous said...

Eeks. Like your first commenter said, it's really hard not to let those things get to you, and you have every right to feel hurt and/or angry.

There's bound to be a rotten apple in the bunch. But just remember, we all love you. :-)

PS - the hand has me concerned - how is it??

Anonymous said...

The first commenter is right. Don't feed the trolls. They multiply too quickly with sustenance.

Tonya said...

I think I remember reading someone saying that when you get a troll that means your blog is a hit? I don't know if that cheers you up. I'll go beat them up for you, just kidding. We're above that but I do have your back girl. You need to tell that hand of yours to start working.

Karen said...

Screw them! We all love you!!!!!

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

I live in dread of trolls. I care far, far too much about what other people think.

They're just one person lost in a multitude of others who adore you.

Kristi said...

Oh, you must post a link to the troll's page. Melissa is an expert on dealing with trolls. She calls them right out. I think you should too!

Alex Elliot said...

I was going through your posts trying to find the troll too! At BlogHer it came up in several panels that trolls mean that you're a hit.

tracey.becker1@gmail.com said...

Alex, it wasn't on a post of mine, but a direct link back to my blog with the comments that I was a waste of internet space, to paraphrase it...

Green-Eyed Momster said...

Sounds like someone is jealous of you, to me....

You're the best....Don't let them get to you!!


CaraBee said...

Look at the bright side, having a troll means you're popular!

Anna-b-bonkers said...

So feel for you!
Been there and it was not fun.
Hope your hand is back to normal!

Tricia said...

What the Hell- Troll? For what? Oy. Waste of Space? Uh, maybe the troller!

The hand though, hows the hand? You might be needing that middle finger! And you leg was bad too? Not to be all scary... could it have been something serious and you should be seen ASAP???

Unknown said...

Don't bother. Trolls are never worth it and that's what they're looking for anyway. Shake your head and move on. It's not personal, trolls are just demented like that.

Mojavi said...

yeah the y tend to suck.. but you have to ignore.. plus you HAVE to tell us where so we can totally lay the smack down on them :)

Mojavi said...

why are you still one handed??? must update or see a dr asap.

Mojavi said...

why are you still one handed??? must update or see a dr asap.

Michelle said...

sorry you had to come across such rudeness! Ugh, trolls!

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