Exactly how long does it take for Corinne to go from feeling overjoyed about getting her shorts wet at the zoo....
...to less than thrilled?
Answer: 35 seconds.
How many years will it be before my boys are looking like teenagers?Answer: It's already upon me....
Hehe, I am the same with my alcohol! I'm a cheap drunk, LOL!!
Wow, he really DOES look like a teenager in that last shot! Sleeveless shirt, muscles (!!), tanned skin, long hair ... what happened?! He's gonna have girls hanging off him in a few years, let me tell ya!
EEKS! I hear ya about the teenager thing. Hannah's pediatrician said it may be only another year before she starts showing the early signs of puberty, and she's only just turned nine. But that girl is growing like a weed.
Justin's gonna be a total heartbreaker!
PS - and it only takes me one alcoholic beverage before I start feeling a little tipsy. So sad.
Oooh I love a good apple martini!
WOW he does look like a teenager in that last shot. I'm sending you vodka RIGHT NOW.
I'm a cheap date. Of course, it's been a long time since I've had any alcohol.
And that last photo! Wow. He does look all grown up. I'd cry a little too!
Oh my goodness look at that young man! I'll be crying right there with ya sister. And I can't hold my booze worth a damn anymore:)
Are those MUSCLES on your little sun? Good grief.
Yeah, one drink and I think I'm HILARIOUS. I'm not, fyi.
Oh dear! The bitter and the sweet, eh?
I hear you about the drink...I am a total light weight!
Teenagers?! I can't believe that my older son is about to turn five.
I hope you had fun with your hubby and sister and bil! I can totally see Corinne going from happy to sad like that! I don't ever want my kids to be teenagers.
Love it, thanks for the giggle. My heart skipped a beat for you - the pain of how fast they pull away from babyhood. I'll never get over it.
You ARE hilariously funny, drink or no drink. (And wow that drink looks good!)
I have to laugh at Corinne getting upset about getting wet after being so happy at first. Preschoolers are so fickle.
One drink and I think I'm Hot Stuff. (Unfortunately, it takes OTHERS drinking for me to actually BE hot stuff...boo)
Ha! I am a cheap drunk too...one martini and I am dancing on tables, those pack a punch.
I am holding you because Holy Hannah he looks like about 15. But CUTE! Look out girls! Wow. Now I am a cougar.
Going to wash my mind out with soap....
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