Friday, May 16, 2008

The ticking of the clock...

It struck me again. The insane roller-coaster speed of life. I felt the change of tides once more tonight, and remembered that, Yes. My daughter IS growing up. It was something so simple. So miniscule to any outsider. To anyone other than a mother...

She crawled INto her crib tonight. Without rocking. Without our book. Without our songs and cuddles...

Without needing Me.

Continue reading at Chicago Moms Blog....

Patrick and Justin just took off for the scouting weekend campout. Keep them safe, universe. I need those guys...


Tonya said...

So sad to babies growing up...

the dragonfly said...


My baby is almost a year old, and I cannot fathom it.

Tricia said...

...time for another...

Melissa said...

It's one of those bittersweet moments... in a way it's fun to see that independence, on the other hand, it makes me wanna cry...

Laski said...

Tracy . . . oh, I must be hormonal, right? I mean, I can't stop the tears every time I read a post like this. No, motherhood is not for the faint of heart (Amy is so right). I mean, they tell you about the diapers, the long nights, the teething, the first steps, the babbling . . . but the collecting of your "heart's shattered remains..."--nope. That one you have to experience on your own. Bittersweet is an understatement . . .

Beautiful post . . . even through tears.

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