Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Wordless Wednesday...

I'm crushing your head!


Type (little) a aka Michele said...


I miss The Kids in The Hall

Don Mills Diva said...

OMG - Kids In The Hall flashblack! I miss them too!

Mighty Morphin' Mama said...

Cutie, cutie girl! too funny!

Kristi said...

LOL. What a card.

Anonymous said...

ha ha ha, lol.

Melissa said...

I used to do that to my brothers all the time... made them sooooo mad!! :D

Kristen said...

What a cutie!

Beck said...

We STILL do that! STILL!

Jane of Seagull Fountain said...

Tracey in Chicago,

cute pic!

I love youtube -- now I could really never leave my house again. Thanks for introducing me to The Kids in the Hall.

Hey, I am so embarrassed. You left a great comment on my blog this morning and I was deleting spam and accidentally deleted your comment. Gosh, I'm a dork!

I'd love it if you could re-comment, but would totally understand if you have better things to do, like pick lint out of your couch or something.

Am enjoying your blog -- totally agree on everything tasting better on a stick. We just discovered "banana popsicles" where you freeze half a banana on a stick and then dip it in that crappy wax-like dipping chocolate (the kids love it!).

Melissa said...

ha ha ha! nothing like seeing a kid impersonating "New Kids In The Hall". Man I haven't seen that show in forever!

Family Adventure said...

Heh! Too cute...

Happy WW,


Unknown said...

My cookie was this tiny. Could I have another?


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