Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The third child.

Poor kid. She gets plenty of privileges in her placement as "the baby."

But there are some definite down sides...

Like Mom being terribly amused when you throw a tantrum over not being allowed to take one bite out of all of the strawberries in the pint.

Like having Mommy laugh at you to the point of tears...

Like having Mommy take your picture,


so that she can blog about it later on.

Poor thing...


Type (little) a aka Michele said...

...and having mommy's blog friends laugh, too.

And are those panties she's wearing? said...

Oh yes. She is ONLY in underwear, thankyouverymuch. Night time, too. Big girl, she is...

Hannah said...

Too funny!
It's a scrapbooking mother's job as well, to take photos of the kids crying/throwing fits/sick/hurt/being naughty etc!!

Unknown said...

We do toughen up a little don't we? LOL!

Kamis Khlopchyk said...

HA! She will be traumatized for life.


hee hee.

Thanks for the laugh!

Unknown said...

Hee hee! I've been close to doing the same thing. We are having our own strawberry wars these days. I fear what Bridget will do to the garden this summer. Will there be any left for us?!

Kristen said...

I think temper tantrums make the BEST photos!

Melissa said...

Hmm... this looks like a series of pictures I took of my youngest! Why is it that we get such joy out of it? Perhaps it's the fact that they make us crazy... and it's fun to turn the tables every now and again! :)

Anonymous said...

theBeast was having a tantrum the other day and I videoed it! She gets sad when she watches it. heehee.

Corrine looks so darn cute having a fit!!

Mom24 said...

Oh my golly! So funny! Poor thing! She'll get over it...or not.

Sabrina said...

HAHAHA! Now, the first child, that's rough. You don't want them crying, you can't make them happy. Second child, you kinda figure things out a bit. Well, a lot. Third child? Yeah, that kid's not getting away with anything..

Christina said...

That's hilarious. And you'll have to show her this when she's older. And her dates, too.

Marie said...

Oh yeah, the times they do change, don't they? With the first one you do all you can to keep them from crying, but by baby #3, well, you know. ;-)

Beck said...

I was at a friend's house today and her OLDEST child - one month older than the Baby - was throwing a tantrum and my friend was just HORRIFIED. Which is how you can tell that The Baby's chum is her first child.

Mighty Morphin' Mama said...

So bloody awesome! You rock Tracey.

Anonymous said...

ahh the injsutice of being the youngest. I wouldn't know how that feels, but she's got parents who have the wisdom of having made mistakes with the first two. lol

Anna-b-bonkers said...

I love it!
You are too funny!

J. Hi said...

Sometimes you know you shouldn't laugh but you can't help it. :)

Tonya said...

I'm sorry but she is still so stinkin' cute even while crying! She'll love reading this blog entry in a few years!

OHmommy said...

LOL.... poor third child indeed.

I would have totally blogged about it too. :)

Kristi said...

Oh, these photos are hilarious and pitiful at exactly the same time. I have taken photos of my daughter in mid-freakout plenty of times. They're some of my favorites. apparently, we both have a sadistic side.

MJ Tam said...

awww...too funny

Meagan Francis said...

How cute and funny. We've got quite a few of those weepy pictures of our youngest, too.

gwendomama said...

meanie meanie meanie meanie meanie.

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