I'm working around the house, remembering to cook for my family (SHOCKER!) and have even made a few Deceptively Delicious recipes lately.
The sweet potato pancakes, again. Evan and Corinne, of course, gobbled them up. But Justin decided that he doesn't like the "sweeter" pancakes anymore... yeah....
I made peanut butter and banana muffins. Moderately good to me. Evan and Corinne, of course, gobbled these up, too. Justin said "kinda peanut buttery..."
He really liked them better than his face shows...
Made the chicken nuggets with squash and also started using the Flax Seed (ground up into meal with my coffee bean grinder). I LOVED them, and so did Corinne and Patrick. Justin AND Evan turned their noses up, this time... UGH!!!!
I plan on using the squash in a cheese spread to hide in the grilled cheese tonight. Crossing my fingers, but not counting my chickens.
Isn't it fun trying to sneak food into your kids? I find that if one child likes something I make, the other one doesn't. So I just don't care anymore. I make what I want to eat and what I know Rob likes to eat, and the kids have to like it or lump it!
It's great when you do find a way to be sneaky though. I grate veggies into my lasagne and the boys have NEVER figured it out!
Sounds like Corrine is a great little eater though! :-)
I need to get that book. I've looked at it a few times, but haven't ever really tried it. Time to bite the bullet! :)
It all sounds yummy to me!
good for you.
Thinking of you, take care.
I use that book a lot.
We love the chicken nuggets and the italian meatloaf, eat those at least every other week. The lemon blueberry muffins were a hit too once I explained they weren't from the store and had "less sugar"
Mmm, I just ate and you made me hungry.
I have a very picky 6 year old so I know what you are working with.
Take care!
Thanks for that link! I need some new healthy recipes and yours sounded so yummy!
I received this book for Christmas, and have yet to try any recipies. I need all the deception I can use to get my daughter to eat anything resembling a vegetable these days.
I've used flax seed before in my recipes. The kids don't even notice!
My kids are HUGE sweet potato pancake fans, although the day The Girl eats peanut butter will be the day that... well, I can't think of anything unlikely enough, really.
Hi Tracey,
It's Beth from Total Mom Haircut. I just wanted to let you know that since I've started blogging again I have had trouble commenting on your blog because I don't use Blogger anymore. For some reason your comment block doesn't have the option of signing in under anything except for a google account, and mine doesn't connect to anything anymore since my blogger is inactive. I just wanted to let you know since I've been reading your blog but then can never comment. So I guess when you see my name and it's not connected to any web page you can assume it's me.
I need to bust out that book again. . .
Hi, Tracey!
You don't have to apologize for how you're feeling,..we all go through periods like that, and you're right, you'll be back to yourself soon enough!
I've heard so much about that book, mostly all good. So, do your kids know you are putting the good stuff in by taste, or do you tell them mom is just trying out some new recipes? I think it's a great idea!
Hiding healthy food sounds like a lot of work. Ugh.
Kathryn, I've found that it's less work than having nightly arguments for HOURS over eating one bite of vegetable. My kids have enough things to argue with me over. I don't want dinnertime to be stressful anymore. It's not worth my happiness to be forceful over "eating what I say cuz I'm the mom, blah blah blah". Life is too freaking short to waste on endless struggles over things that can be resolved with a little negotiation.
Time to break down and buy the book. My picky eater needs it.
Though I haven't commented in a while I'm still stalking your blog;)
My boys really enjoy alot of the recipes in that book. Which is good because most of the time they just like the kid staples, grilled cheese, fish sticks, chicken nuggets...at least now they are a bit healthier!
Looks like Justin has a future as a food critic! LOL!
An Island Life
Kills me that Avery could still be THIS picky in 10 years.
Last night I tried to get her to eat pnut butter and jelly, or Dora soup. "NO LIKE IT" is all I get.
At least you have 2 good eaters though :)
picking one thought and sticking to it??? Impossible.
I've got that thought collision all the time- I figure it's a little taste of what my oldest goes through all the time- ADHD and all.
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