Thursday, March 27, 2008

Another day in my life

Mornin folks. Join me in a cup of coffe, won't ya?

It's raining today, but that's ok, because we finally got outside in the heat wave of yesterday (Whoot! 50 Farenheit.) So, we hit the Brookfield Zoo! Along with every other family in Chicagoland that had spring break... Ah well. Crowds weren't horrific, just a bit tight.

Gotta type fast. I am still in my jammies and Justin's friend is coming over for the day in about 40 minutes...

Saw some animals and their butts. Also saw some really amusing human animals, wearing interesting apparel, to say the least.

To the man wearing a t-shirt stating that "Man Boobs ARE Sexy" I have to tell you that the person who sold you that shirt? Is a liar.

To the 14 year old girl with her jeans that were belted around her butt crack, so that I got a good view of whether or not she wipes her bum completely: Ewww. Ew, ewwwy, ick, gross. I'm not sure why you think that anyone would want to see your ass-crack, especially at a zoo. We can see plenty of naked butts on the baboons, thank you very much. Her mom needed to put her foot down on that clothing call...

My kids were well behaved! Whoot!!! Although, they began melting down a bit when it was lunch time and I kept offering them the non-filling snacks in my bag so as to not wait in the lunch lines. Really, the zoo needs to open more food vendors during spring break. I understand that they aren't needed in the wintertime and shut them down, but during the 2-3 weeks in March where EVERYbody is coming to the zoo, they need extra food!
I was a photo maniac yesterday! Took some really cute ones, but this one, of the boys hugging is a bit funny. I bribed them to hug and "act like they love each other" so that they could get an ice cream cone. Wellll.... they took it a bit too far and hugged each other to the ground, and got hurt... Oops! They definitely earned their ice cream!


Type (little) a aka Michele said...

Looks like so much fun. And I want that Spongebob ice cream.


And when did your oldest boy start looking so OLD. My god, he looks like a teenager. He's not even MINE and I'm all sad that they grow up too damn fast!!!

Jane of Seagull Fountain said...

Funny -- I always tell my kids the same thing when I'm taking pictures ("act like you like each other").

Mighty Morphin' Mama said...

My boys would have done the same thing! Love the photos, absolutely gorgeous!

Kristi said...

I hate the thought that my daughter is going to grow up and be exposed (ha) to the kinds of "fashions" marketed to young girls. I hope a lot changes in the next 7 or 8 years.

Mmmm... ice cream.

Rebecca said...

I love the zoo!!

Maybe the girl with belt-butt is in plumber training?

Yeah, I got nothin. Great pics tho!

Kamis Khlopchyk said...

Mmmm, ice cream!

Looks like a fantastic day, yay for nice weather:-)

Ruby said...

Looks and sounds like you had fun. I'm glad I didn't have to see that clothing and the ridiculous people wearing them.

I took my little one to the zoo yesterday too. we had fun too but it was too hot. 80's.

Mom24 said...

We went to the zoo on Tuesday for the one hour of decent weather we had. My 7 year old was absolutely obsessed with the monkey tushes. That's what I heard about most of the time! I guess it's the age.

I'm glad you're having a good time together. It is always fascinating what the human animals will wear, isn't it? My 15 year old likes to point things out to me on little kids and say "what's wrong with those parents?" I hope it lasts!

Spring Break is ending much too soon. Aaack, I'm not ready to go back to reality--and early, rushed mornings.

Elle*Bee said...

Man, can't we get over the trend of butt-cleavage already? I completely agree with you. ICK.

SydneyDawn said...

EW on the plumber-butt girl. I have no idea why parents let their daughters go out of the house looking like that. Someone needs to smack some sense into them.

LOL at your boys. My mom always said the same thing to me and my brother, and I'm sure I'll pass along the legacy once my little one is old enough to hug his big brother back.

Unknown said...

"What would you do for a Klondike bar?"

Sounds like a grand day! We woke up to fresh snow on the ground - blech. Our spring break is not until mid-April, so I'm keeping every body part crossed that we'll have nic(er) weather by then.

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