Monday, July 10, 2006

Mommy!! PWEASE, come snuggle wif me!!

I need a pocket tape recorder.

All day long, I think of great topics. Great ideas for blogs, for my journals, for scrapbooking pages... When I finally get 2 minutes of peace to myself, the mind's a blank.

Even now, as I finally got the princess down for the night, I can hear her scuffling and sniffling in her crib as the music box's rendition of Fiddler on the Roof's "If I were a wealthy Man" (is that the name of the song? You know the one that goes, "Diedel diedel deedel diedel dum... all day long I'd piddy paddy pum. If I were a wealthy MAN.") gets slower and slower. Meaning I may only have this tiny snatch of time to figure out what to write to remember this day by. And now, Evan is down here by me. "You pwomised to snuggle wif me!!" So he's "reading" Green Eggs and Ham for a second while I tie this up. I would say that I'll save this as a draft, but I might forget to publish it, so I'll just go ahead and post it.

So. Today Patrick left for Dallas for the week on work. Blecch. My sister came over with her baby so we could go swimming, but it was CHILLY!! No pool today. We just made the babies laugh instead. The boys pretended to be getting shot and every time they fell down, my niece cracked up. She's a hard nut to crack with giggles so it was worth it. Equally fun.

Tomorrow my other sister and her kids are coming over, also to presumably swim. However, it looks like rain tomorrow. grrrr... I WILL pack my bags this week for next week's vacation. Last time we went out of town, I waited until the last minute to do the actual packing. I will NEVER do that again. I was a nervous wreck and in a mini-depression by the time it was time to go. NEVER AGAIN.

Kay. I'm getting begged to cuddle. Gotta go.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Hope this week goes by fast for you and that you are able to get some swimming in sometime!

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