Wednesday, May 17, 2006

What is a Mommy?

Copying another mommy's post... Can't remember who, but it's cute!

Evan's answers-age 4
1. What is a Mommy? A good parent
2. What do Mommies do? Take care of babies
3. What do you like best about your Mommy?Playing with her.
4. What do you not like (if anything) about your Mommy?When you're not playing with me.
5. What are things that Mommies can't do? Not hurt babies and not hurt kids.

Justin's answers-age 7
1. What is a mommy? Somebody who takes care of you.
2. What do Mommies do? Take care of kids.
3. What do you like best about your mommy? Playing with her.
4. What do you not like (if anything) about your Mommy? Nothing (I rock)
5. What are things that Mommies can't do? Climb trees fast. ( I beg to differ)


Anonymous said...

Hi! Got you off the comments on my blog! I enjoyed reading your posts. You sound a lot like myself in the way you think etc. So , anyways I just wanted to say hi and thanks for reading mine!

Overwhelmed! said...

This is so sweet!

Hey, I've posted Part 6 of our adoption journey. Stop by and take a look-see. :)

Michelle said...

aaawww how sweet! That is a true testament for a mother to show how great of a job she is doing!

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