Monday, April 16, 2012

Insert Witty Insomnia Title Here

Last night, I had my first anxiety-ridden dream regarding Listen To Your Mother. I'd say that waiting 6 months until it was 3 weeks out is an awesome ratio for this insomniac.

Funnily enough, Melisa called me at 8 this morning and said she was "jealous" that I was still in bed. HA. I hate that I am up most nights, tossing and turning, only to finally fall back asleep around 4 in the morning. And I made a joke of the trials of the dream, but it's like I'm REALLY THERE when I dream, so I often can't turn my brain off with a simple "Oh, it's just a dream" statement.

Basically, everything that could go wrong, DID go wrong: We had missing paperwork, scripts written in illegible words, a homeless man sleeping in the foyer (who wouldn't leave!), and a bathroom system that was like a labyrinth to find your way to a broken toilet. Obviously, in my dream, I had to go to the bathroom every 5 minutes, so I was constantly racing, getting lost, being yelled for, and just having an all-around horrible experience.

Melisa said that this means that everything will be great on performance day. Well, if I can help make the show into a smoothly-running machine by enduring life-like horror dreams, then there's the silver lining.


Melisa Wells said...

You're right; it IS an awesome ratio. To be honest, I'm flummoxed as to why I'M not the one who had a horrible dream like that, since I'm the worrier. Like I told you, though: dreams that I remember when I wake up in the morning don't typically come true, so I think we're good.

And anyway, how can the show be anything BUT spectacular??? :)

Mark said...

You better stop that worrying. It'll give you grey hairs! Have you seen me lately?
You'll be fine!

Kat said...

It must have been a night for bad dreams. I had a doozie last night (or this morning, rather).
Get all your bad dreams out now and you'll have a great show! :)

Helena said...

Hey, I had busy, crazy, had-to-change-my-clothes-because-I-was-on-the-Bachelor-and-wasn't-wearing-anything-remotely appropriate-and-then-people-were-racing-by-on-bicycles-and-there-was-a-gypsy-caravan-with-a-singing monkey-and-a-lady-who-was-a-spy dreams last night too! Maybe you, me and Kat all drank the same water (you in the US and me in Oz), or are being pulled by a peculiar arrangement of the stars. Or maybe we've got a whole lot of stuff on our minds. Or maybe we're all going crazy?

Sorry to hear you're not sleeping. But it makes total sense that you aren't. You're about to do something AWESOME. Really really really!

Kimberly said...

Those dreams are the worst especially when they relate to something so important.
The brain is a jerk sometimes. I knkow that you're going to rock it.

Anonymous said...

There's another time to wait for another Listen to Your Mother. I wonder why we don't have it here as well. This could be a fun treat for moms out there.

Click here to visit my website.

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