Saturday, February 18, 2012

Saturday tidbits

Got lost trying to find the parking lot for my NBC thingy today. Managed to drive around the Wacker/Michigan Ave/Ohio Street area for about 20 minutes, looking for the dang parking lot. I finally found a pay to park spot for 75 cents (score) and RAN to the studio, 15 minutes late. If I appear somewhat flustered and forget a few key points that I wanted to focus on, it's because I had been swearing at the top of my lungs just moments before in my van.

Great way to start the day, right?

The kids planted some seedlings and they are slowly popping their way through the squishy dirt. How does one "grow" lettuce, anyway? Because we've got seedlings in my living room window. And I fear that they may require a lot of work...

Evan and his buddy at the gift shop of the Navy Pier's Children's Museum reading a book with LOTS of interest...

Mmmmm.... chicken soup's on the stove top. Evan isn't feeling so fabulous today, so I stayed home from Justin's soccer game to take care of him and finish cleaning the house (which is why I'm on the computer. Yeah...) for Justin's birthday party (tomorrow!). It smells divine. Hope it helps Evie feel better...The last picture before he turned 13. I am not doing well with that number. Not at all...


Sitting in the last drops of today's sunshine, drinking wine from a coffee mug. Time to do the dishes; time to shake this disconnected feeling...My sunshine buddy. She and I spend every afternoon chasing the rays across the room...


Melisa Wells said...

That picture of you and Justin is precious. As is the one of your fur baby.

I'm sorry you had a rough start! Even more impressive now that you got the LTYM mention in! haha

Kimberly said...

Oh my dog is a sunshine hog. He lays where ever the sun goes in the house. Thing is, he's a chocolate lab so his fur gets super super hot to touch.
Poor Evie. Feel better soon!
And let me tell you, I'm horrible with directions...even with a GPS.

nmaha said...

I'm sure you rocked the show :-)

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