Monday, February 27, 2012

Looking around....

He pulls the drawer of action figures open and begins to arrange them on the kitchen table. Toy guns and empty water glasses become forts and mountains in his mind. Another bloody battle in my kitchen unfolds while the puppy frantically circles the chairs in search of just one more scrap of forgotten breakfast toast.

Corinne expertly manuevers her way through the complexities of the cable box. Satisfied with her choice of an impossibly annoying "Kid Show", she instantly strolls away from the television to hula hoop in the living room, leaving me on the couch with pre-teen angst playing in the background.

The dog has discovered that no crumbs remain on the floor and has moved onto gnawing on a stray glove...

I remain on the couch, wondering why I have so many posts on my "mommy blog" that aren't about motherhood. Wishing for inspiration and craving validation...


Meredith said...

Consider yourself "validated"--somedays the inspiration just comes more readily than others :)

Jack said...

Being a mother is more than just talking about motherhood.

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