Monday, October 17, 2011

Surprise, surprise

4:45 Me, calling Patrick: Hey honey! How was lunch with your mom? Are you on your way back yet? Oh, you're on the train? Awesome. Can you let me know when you're almost home in case I need some milk? I mean, I might go out for it and not need it, but I might need it. So can you call me to let me know when you're near the store? Buh-bye.

5:10 Me, calling Patrick: Hey honey! Where are you at? Oh. On the road, still? Yeah, that makes sense, heh, heh. Um, I just wanted to remind you to call me about the milk, remember? Because I want to make sure that we have milk for dinner. The dinner that I'm making. And I'm waiting for you to be close so I can throw the noodles in the water. So, um, call me, ok? Love you! Bye.

5:35 Me, calling Patrick: Hey honey! I think I definitely need that milk. But still call me, ok? How was your time with your mom? Did you have a good time? Oh, hey, I have to go. But CALL ME, ok? Love you! Buh-bye.

5:50 Me, calling Patrick: On second thought, I don't need any milk. Just come home. Where are you? Like 10 minutes or 5 minutes or 1 minute away? I just need to know for the, um, noodles, remember? Oh? 5 minutes? Ok. I'll throw them in now, then. See you soon. Bye!

5:51 Me, stage-yelling at a room full of people: Shhhhh!!!! Shhhh!!!! SHHHHH!!!!!!

5:56 35 people shouting at the top of their lungs as Patrick walks in the front door:

Surprise!! Happy Birthday!!

I can't believe we pulled it off. Especially after all of my super-spy-phone-calls. Seeing as how he practically fell back out the door, I do believe that he was sufficiently surprised.

Happy Birthday, honey!

Videography by my 12 year old. It gets shaky when he decides to hug his dad halfway through but soldier on: it gets smooth again...


Stacia said...

Great surprise! Happy 40th to your man! Love the mid-filming hug. =>

Angie said...

Good job on the surprise, my husband would totally be suspect the whole time.

Unknown said...

Happy (belated) Birthday, Patrick.

Sabrina said...

Happy Birthday Patrick! Derek would've totally figured it out.

Helena said...

Happy Birthday to Patrick! That just gave me the biggest smile. The kind of smile you realise you've had the whole time you've been watching something and your face now kinda hurts. (But in the best possible way!).

I loved your sneaky spy phone calls, Tracey. Too funny. Congratulations on pulling it off—I'm so pleased for you! Now I want a surprise party toooooo (I've never had one. You want to come over and do one for me, Tracey? I mean, if you're not too busy?) :)

Anonymous said...

That's awesome! Happy Birthday to your hubby! :)

anymommy said...


Trina @ Walking With Scissors said...

That was awesome!! Happy birthday to Patrick!

Mark said...

That was great!
Although that was a lot of phone calls about milk. If Fred called me that many times, I would say the hell with it and not even come home. You sure are lucky he did. If there is a video here, I can't see it(I'm at work, shhh). I'll try to see it at home.
Happy Birthday Patrick!
Tracey, give him a big kiss from me!

Kim/reluctant renovator said...

You. Are. Awesome!

nmaha said...

Wow! I never guessed, I just thought you were doing the naggy wife thingy :-)
Awesome, wish I could do something like that for the techie.

Happy b'day to Patrick :-)

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