You never think ahead to the moment you'll have to say goodbye. When you're holding that squirming kitten or puppy in your arms, you can only envision the beginning; the good times. You never pause to consider what you'll go through when the pet you've owned for 15 years begins a rapid decline.I've never been on this side of pet loss. You know, as The Adult. The person who is supposed to make decisions and be strong for the kids. Dakota is still with us but Patrick and I are having the discussions this week about who to call and when to do it... and how to tell the kids.They know. We've been talking to them about his impending demise for about 2 or 3 months. It's been obvious that his body weight has began to rapidly drop off and his activity level this past week has made a sharp change. It was this morning, when I was bringing him a bowl of water and I spilled some on his head and he didn't even move to clean himself off, that it really hit home for me: My cat is dying.
The cat I've never liked too much (he eats plastic, pees on everything and would stand at the bedroom door meowing for as long as it takes for you to get out of your cozy bed and let him in) but have obviously loved. He has been more like a dog who fetches and plays than a cat that sat out of your reach. He's been the life friend of our other cat who will likely be lost without him and the playmate for Corinne when her baby dolls just aren't lifelike enough.He's a part of our family and this really, absolutely sucks.
Poetry Month in our Homeschool
Sure, you *can *force a kid to read a book. Any book, actually. But you
*can't* force a child to love to read. You can't push and push literature
on them a...
11 years ago
I'm so sorry. Poor kitty.
You are right, it majorly sucks. HUGE to you all!
**Hugs** So sad. Even at 5 mos. my boy has started "loving on" ever patient Molly cat. While she's a bit of a ditz (and if my hubby were to admit it, he'd like to have her disappear forever due to her annoying quirks) she puts up with EVERY ear pull, fur pull, tail chew that our baby inflicts upon her. And she always keeps on purring and jumping up to see him.
My thoughts are with you and your family as you help your cat transition during the end his/her life. It's not easy indeed. :(
Ours was about the same age when we lost him 1.5 yrs ago. Our son was 6 so it was pretty rough for a bit. I still haven't been able to get another. Hugs and sorry.
I'm so sorry. :( (((hugs)))
From some one who's been there 4 times over, it does SUCK. Hugs to you!
Ah, Tracey, I'm sorry.
I hope you get through this okay, and that your kids get through it okay. I so feel for you, and am sending a big, warm hug across the ocean. And then, another.
It must be really hard, 15 years as a part of the family and the kids growing up with him lying around as a quick playmate, this is very sad. And the part that really suck about it is when you see the kids missing the playful cat fooling around.
I'm so sorry :( That does suck. (((hugs)))
I'm so sorry :( Especially since he's been a part of your life for so long. Sending your family some hugs.
As someone who didn't really have pets growing up, I'm shocked at how attached I've become to the animals we've had over the course of our marriage. Losing them is incredibly painful.
Sorry Tracey. This part of raising pets never gets easy, does it?
We have a 13 year old Golden and a 14 year old cat that are both nearing the end. I can't even stand to think about it at times.
Take care. Mark
There is no way to make this type of a situation "ok". You're all in my thoughts! sorry, Tracey. So sad to lose a pet. Our family has had to put two dogs to rest. So hard.((hugs))
Aw, I'm sorry. That really does suck all around. Big ((hugs)) to you for having to make tough decisions and be all adult-y about something that already hurts too much to really think straight. That never becomes easy.
So sorry!! I had to put my 15 yr old cat to sleep in January. Worst. thing. I've. ever. had. to. do. Even though it was the right decision, it was horrible. I cried for 2 weeks.
Oh how sad! Hugs to you and all the kids.
I'm so sorry.
I'm so sad for you. Our dog is only 18 months, but I'd already be lost without him.
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