...But in a GOOD way because I adored "my"
Chevy Traverse that was on loan for a week and nearly wept when the meanies came back to reclaim it. :(

Corinne actually DID protest when she realized that she could no longer watch Ice Age with headphones in the 5 minute ride to ballet...

Between checking out the
Chevy Traverse, attending the
Chicago Auto Show and then test driving the Chevy Volt, I must
appear to be really automotive-savvy.
The Volt! Drives like a regular car but is mostly
electric!! This car may not be big enough to be a large "family car" but it's fabulous for commuters or families with only 1 or 2 children. There were tons of cool features (keyless, comfortable, attractive, safety precautions) but the best point of it, in my opinion, is the
main feature:
You plug it in.
You are no longer 100% dependent on gasoline. The emissions you emit are practically non-existent! If a new sedan type car is what you are looking for, I highly recommend that you check out the Volt.
I am
not a gearhead. This was quite evident the instant I wandered onto the floor and exclaimed to
Barb, "Oh look! I like THAT car!"
"Yeah. That's because it's a
PORSCHE, Trace."
Aha. Yes. I knew that. Still, have you seen a Porsche? Quite snazzy.
"Ooh! Then how about
this one?!?"

How about this one, Barb? Can I pull of the
Christie Brinkley look?

If I drape myself across the Camaro, do you think I'll look like a car model?!?

Hmmm. I'm sorry to say, but I think that THIS car is more my style. Isn't it CUTE?!? A little Fiat! And I just wanted to cuddle it and squeeze it help it
build a leaning tower of tires!!
Actually, THIS is what I want for my birthday. This or the Traverse, ok honey?
Love the auto show! Love cars. Don't want anyone loaning me one. I'd be super-paranoid I'd crack it up. Then what??
Good to see you in pics again!
Nice cars!! I like that green one.
I can't wait to have a plug-in car. And you better believe it's going to be yellow!
Oh my I LOVE your outfit in the pic next to the yellow car! Where did you get that cute purple shirt??!
:) It's actually a sun dress that I shrank. :) I got it at Kohl's a few years ago!
You are a gearhead, right? More so than me anyway. I dream of the day when I can get a fun tiny car like the Volt, but that's ummmmm we aren't going to calculate how many years away that is because I haven't had nearly enough rum to contemplate it. I wish there were more European style cars in the States though....
Wow -- you saw actual Hot Wheels?! I'm not a gearhead at all, but I've always wanted to check out an auto show. Looks like fun!
That Fiat is so teensy. That or you are a lot taller than I recall.
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