There are precious few men who can inhabit this blogging world without creating a marital rift in their household. The ones who do: I applaud you*. But mostly I applaud your wives or significant others for having the strength to go through what I subject my own family to!
It's one thing for ME to write about my kids and family life. I mean, it's my life and I KNOW how it is. It is how I SAY it is. DUH! But if Patrick were to infer his own opinion about how our lives are run, there is a small chance (oh so small) that he may, ON OCCASION, disagree with my perception of a situation.
I KNOW! Can you imagine? It's difficult to believe, but I cannot rule out the possibility.
So, it is with great gratitude and joy that I thank my husband for not having a writing bug of any shape or sort. THANK YOU, HONEY!! Thank you for not encroaching upon this corner of my world! Thank you for letting me be the writer of our family history (her-story?). I promise to be 100% unbiased and level-headed no matter how many times I have to remind you to clean the cat box or take out the trash.**
**FYI. It's time.
Where's the "like" button? :)
amen!! lol ive been blogging for about a year and a half, and i told my husband a long time ago about it, and it has come up a few times, but he was just shocked last week when i told him AGAIN that yes, i write a blog. and then he called me a nerd. and then i acted super pissed. but really, i think hes just jealous.
I read one male blog, Fatherhood & Other Common Terrors, and one that is both husband and wife, but not of any interest to you so I won't mention it. I also read a bowling blog with various contributors. Again, not consistent. My husband tells me he likes to read my blog late at night when we're all asleep and there's no "chaperone" butting in to distract him. He says, "I feel like I get to know who you are without all the blabbing from the kid going on." I think this is a compliment.
P.S. If you give me some contact info then I can send you freebies to review for my products. I saw the one you posted on twitter today. That could've been me. Aargh!
My husband lurks on my blog. It drives me crazy, but at least he's reading, right??
PS: This is a hilarious dad blog:
PPS: Tell Patrick sorry about the Bears. =<
I know there are a lot of daddy blogs out there. Let me see if I can muster up some. :)
Julie, I'm on it.
Stacia, It was brutal...
Gal, gracias!
Hey lady. I came out of self imposed lurking to remind you of the Patio Boat Poet:
OK, OK. It's my big brother. That's not the point.
I tend to skip the comics and sports stuff and enjoy Katie the Beagle, poetry and his take on politics.
I'm totally biased.
I'm a man-blogger. However, I am not a father or a husband. (But I work for a nonprofit organization that helps moms, so I read a lot of mommy blogs!)
PH isn't a blogger. But the few times he has guest posted, he has been a bit hit! Maybe I should hand the reins over to him?
I have an honorary vagina, so I don't know if I count as a man blogger. :)
An honorary one. Hmm. I have no response to that.
LOL! I love this post - so true. I try not to blog too much about my personal life considering my blog is primarily about writing, but things have a way of slipping out. And things REALLY have a way of slipping out on Facebook!
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