Corinne spent the entire night running to and from her bed to the bathroom and then to and from the floor of my bed to my bathroom (once the pathway in her room was sufficiently gross and gooey). Poor child. She apologized left and right and tried to catch the vomit in her hands so she wouldn't make a mess. She's hot and sad and sleeping on a mat of old blankets and towels on my bedroom floor, a bowl beside her sweaty head...
If I can't get out from under the piles of disgusting laundry before the holidays, I wanted to wish you all a happy and safe holiday weekend. May you spend it with someone who loves you enough to scrub your puke from your sheets while cooing "It's ok. I don't mind! I love you!"
Merry Christmas!
I just got the dreaded call from daycare... "your child has a fever, come get him."
so us too :(
Oh no! It's going around here too, one nephew on one side had it this weekend and a neice and brother on the other side of hte family. We are seeing them all over Christmas. Nothing says festive like the stomach flu.
Have a very Merry Christmas and may she be the only one to get it!
Love the picture!
Sorry to hear she's so sick :( sure hope she starts feeling well enough to enjoy Christmas!
Germs ... the gift that keeps on giving. Poor Corinne! I hope Santa brings some elves to help with your laundry.
Merry Christmas to you, Tracey!!
I won't lie. I teared up a little when I read this. Because really, isn't this what we all want?
"May you spend it with someone who loves you enough to scrub your puke from your sheets while cooing 'It's ok. I don't mind! I love you!'"
we dealt with that at Thanksgiving, now we have the fevers, runny noses, coughs......why do the holidays do this to us every year????
Ugh! It's sweeping through our area. I am so knocking on wood we avoid least until we're back to school.
Hope she feels better soon and that you all have a Merry Christmas.
Doesn't it just break your heart when they catch it with their little hands and apologize after.
Sending a lot of love the little one's way.
Season's greeting to you and your lovely family. You've definitely added a lot of brightness to the last year for me.
Ooooh! I hope Corinne feels better soon! Christmas while sick is just not fun!
It's moments like these when I realize I really would do ANYTHING for my children...dealing with stomach flu is the one thing I never thought I could handle, but I just DO because I love them so.
We've got the same thing going on here. Boo. Stinky viruses.
I hope everyone is healthy for the big day tomorrow and you have no more yucky laundry to do.
Merry Christmas!
p.s. I love that picture! :)
Awwww poor child. Who wouldn't fall for a kid who apologizes for being sick. I would want to hug her now and say it's okay! And hope she really is okay now so she can enjoy Christmas.
And have a happy holiday to you and your family! :)
Maybe Santa will sprinkle some 'get well' dust before he leaves :) Merry Christmas from my blog to yours.
I hope everyone is better now and you had a wonderful Christmas!
Merry merry!
Oh, goodness, us, too.
With the barf.
Merry Xmas, dear lady!
I hope everyone feels better.
Merry Christmas!
Aww, hope she feels better!
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