Saturday, November 06, 2010

Having "it all."


Is there a prize? Do we win something for over-structuring our lives and believing that there are certain qualifications we "have to" meet in order to be living a "good life?"

Newsflash: There are no prizes! There is only the moment you are in with the hope that you will have more moments to reflect upon the moments that have passed. That's it, folks. We don't receive commendations from God for having put our kids into all the "right" classes and achieving straight A's or going to a "great college." We can only live and breathe and hope that our presence upon this world has left a loving mark upon our family and friends.

Striving to succeed in the work force or to elevate our kids to have a "better" life than we did is all well and good if it doesn't detract from the peace within your heart. If you cannot breathe in and out and know that you were able to appreciate your life and its blessings then what is the point?

Who are you racing against?

Who are you trying to beat?

For everyone, no matter how many letters of accomplishment they can attach to their names or how many dollars they can claim on their income tax forms, will die. Death equalizes us all; the criminals and the saints. The elderly and the young. You cannot "anti-age". You cannot finish everything for there will ALWAYS be more to do. And if there wasn't time to finish all the minutiae that you deem "important" because you were enjoying an extra cup of coffee, reading a great book, or kissing your loved one? SO BE IT. Enjoy yourself! Being happy isn't something you can "achieve." It's something that is always available, right in front of you; you just have to acknowledge its existence!

No matter the negatives my own life may contain, I KNOW that I am lucky and I KNOW that things will continue on this up and down roller coaster until I can no longer breathe in and out. All I can do is to enjoy the dizzying thrills as best as I can. And it's always more fun to ride with my hands in the air and eyes wide open, don't you agree?


Desert Rubble said...

I agree! I couldn't agree more. The truth is, at the end of the day, are you doing what you love and are you happy with how you did it?

Julie said...

Amen sister! I'm struggling with the idea of NOT sending my kid out in the world fully prepared to do battle at 18 and an insurmountable mountain of student debt. But "they" say the kid needs to leave the nest. I'm starting to think "they" can suck it.

CaraBee said...

Amen. I just saw something tonight that said Live Life and though it sounds kind of floofy, I kind of got me. It is taking advantage of the wonders available to us, and there are many. Focusing on the positive to be the best, happiest person we can. You have to throw your arms up once in a while, life just isn't fun otherwise.

Tonya said...

I sometimes enjoy the roller coaster ride of life that is what makes life fun and interesting!

Kimberly said...

Preach it, sister!

sayed said...

These are really nice. Good job. Thanks for it.

nmaha said...

How do you know exactly what I need to read?

Oh! and poop is also a pretty good equalizer. Sorry, potty training and all.

The Corporate Mommy said...

You are so right! I couldn't agree more.

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