Thursday, April 15, 2010

Are you ready for some soccer?

Justin has 5:30 practice on the South side of town. Evan has a 6:00 practice on the North side which means battling the construction traffic during rush hour. Oy! The headache was already beginning to surface as we inched closer and closer to the grassy field full of 8 year olds. Trying to pay attention to the weaving lanes and avoid the 2 foot drop-offs is increasingly difficult with 2 little kids yammering on in the back seat.

"Guys! Can you just keep quiet for a few minutes? Please?"

"But Mommy, these soccer socks feel funny!"

I cringed because those "soccer socks" are actually some of my own knee highs that I wear during the winter months. I keep meaning to hit a sports store for some new soccer socks, but, well. You know how that goes...

"It'll be ok, Evan. It's just for today. Pull them up really high so that they don't bunch in your shoes."

He tugged them up and I glanced back and saw his face scrunching in concern.

"They still don't feel right..."

"I know, I know. But it isn't about the socks! It's about having fun!" I was trying but he wasn't buying.

"Why do you look so worried, man? The socks are no big deal!"

"They look DUMB. I'll look dumb..." His gorgeous brown eyes were definitely worried. Even with my sporadic, 2-second glances backwards, it was obvious.

"You won't look dumb! No one will care what socks you're wearing. Trust me."

"But. But... I won't even get a chance to kick the ball, anyway..."

(A-ha! The real reason behind the scrunched eyebrows!)

"What are you talking about? Last season you were all over that field! You were SO much fun to watch! You know why? Because when you play soccer, you smile from ear to ear. You have such a great time playing and everyone can tell."

"But I never even scored! And I can't pass! And..."

"Evan, that's enough about the socks. Really. I love you and I know that you love soccer. It'll be ok. Just wait till you get to your practice, ok? Because I honestly cannot drive in this construction and talk right now!"

Silence till we arrived. Eyebrows were scrunched. I opened the door and... he refused to get out.

"My socks! They look STUPID! No!"

No amount of nicey-nice was getting him out and I was NOT letting this situation get out of hand. We had driven through hell to get here. He was GOING to practice with his team!

"Out. Get. OUT. You look fine and you will have fun but if you do NOT get out in the count of 3, you will have No TELEVISION for the week!"

I barely got to the number 2 and he was scampering across the field, water bottle in hand. Sigh of relief...

Corinne and I watched them play and I marveled at how well I know that kid. He was smiling from ear to ear. He kicked! He passed! He jumped with joy when they made a goal and moaned in mock agony when the other group got one past his goalie. Evan is an absolutely fabulous team player and it makes me so proud to watch him enjoying himself so much.

As practice wound down and I was wrangling the two into their seat belts to begin the jaunt back across town to pick up Justin at HIS practice, Evan rambled on and on about plays they made and balls that bounced off of his face,

"But you know what, Mommy? My socks still hurt."



Kamis Khlopchyk said...

Just as I suspected! It really does all come down to socks :)

Glad he had a great time in the end and I bet he just threw that sock comment in there to get you ;)

Michelle said...

This is why I think they should supply socks with the uniforms. Our t-ball team does that, which helps... then again, he'd probably find something else ;) I'm glad he liked the soccer practice after all. A friend's daughter is miserable and her mom keeps signing her up session after session.

Stacia said...

Maybe he needs the gold-toe variety of soccer sock. => said...

Ah! Someone who remembers my son's sock issues!

Kim said...

I have to say, I understand about the socks. I was one of those kids who refused to leave the house until every wrinkle was smoothed out of my sock. I don't know how my mom could stand it!

I really love your attitude in this post. I'm sure your kids pick up on it too... that it doesn't matter how many goals you score, but how you work with other people and of course the fun you have!

Gettysburg Mom said...

1- Rats. I was supposed to sign Atlee up for soccer. I forgot. I'll try this weekend, but this might be a botched parenting effort on my part. Way to remind me of my failures lady!

2- I've never been so thankful that the soccer socks are part of the "uniform" our AYSO doles out. Now if you want to talk shin guards...

Pregnantly Plump said...

Aw. I'm glad he had fun. My dad's a former soccer and football coach, and we're all kind of excited for Little Elvis to be old enough to play sports. They are such a fun outlet. Oh, and I wore arm guards on my shins my first year of soccer. They didn't make shin guards small enough at the time!

Anonymous said...

Okay, that's so funny. We all make do with what we have sometimes, don't we. I'm sure he has new socks by now, though.

Cynthia said...

I always have sock issues...I get it;)

SeriousMom said...

Not only am I very picky about my own socks, but it drives me crazy to see other people's socks bunched up, inside out, hanging off, ugh!

apathy lounge said...

Once when driving with our boys there came a wail of despair from the back seat where the oldest was putting on hiking boots that he had retrieved from the closet he shared with his brother. "Oh no!! I have two left shoes!" We were on the south side of town...headed far north for a surprise party for a scoutmaster. We had to double back AGAIN to get the right shoe. I feel your pain!

joy smith said...

This is the first time I have read your blog.
But I enjoyed it a lot.
Sounds like you have fun.

ThingsToDoWithKids said...

I can't wait until my little one is old enough for sports.
I used to pull the same stunts with my mom to get out of practice. And she used to use the same bargaining tool, practice or no tv.

Tracie said...

Ha! Wish you lived here. I have a couple pairs of soccer socks that I would happily pass on to you. My kids gave up on soccer after a season and a half.

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