Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Owie Wednesday

Sniff, sniff. It's rough to be a 4 year old. Especially when you think you ARE as tough as the bigger kids and then pay the price of a fat lip via a flying sandbox lid...

"Mommy, stop taking my picture! I have an owie!!" Thank goodness we have a pink kitty freezer thingy to make the owies a little bit of fun. Though, the damn cat doesn't make MY owies feel any less painful than a bag of ice does, but what do I know?
Ahhhh... Finally. A smile behind the tears. She had a fat lip and a scab which meant I had to delay taking some sweet Easter pics in her polka dot dress for a bit. Hope we can get the pictures in before she injures something else...


Mom24 said...

Ouch! Hope she's feeling better soon.

Leah said...

Ouch, I hope it isn't so noticeable by tomorrow.

Alyson Enola said...

awww poor kid!

Gucci Mama said...

Poor baby!

Daisygirl said...

Did you tell her that people pay lots of money for fat lips?

I hope the boo boo goes away fast so you can get some fabulous Easter pics !I love those ice packs we have them in spiderman and hello kitty.

Tonya said...

She looks so old in this picture. When did that happen?

ThingsToDoWithKids said...

fat lips are no fun. My 3 yr old niece recently had one and she was not happy! We were at the park when it happend so no fun ice pack for her. She had to wait it out.

AiringMyLaundry said...

Ouch, hope it feels better!

Stacia said...

Oh, those cried-out eyes and wispy pigtails are adorable, poor thing! (Also, our pink kitty cat is a yellow smiley face. It's infinitely superior to a plain-old bag of ice, too, for some reason.)

Elisa @ Globetrotting in Heels said...

aww, poor thing!

On a different note, she looks just like mommy :-)

Unknown said...

Oh, that's rotten! What a trooper, though. ;-)

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