Wednesday, December 09, 2009

2 reasons to love my DVR

My DVR is a blessing and a curse. Without it, I would never have the chance to watch such gems of broadcasting as "I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant." I mean, am I the only one who sees that the show is on, knows she shouldn't watch it, and then turns it on anyway, ready to be amazed at the fact that not only a FEW women have delivered babies in toilets, completely unaware of their pregnancies, but that so MANY have done so, that it actually warrants the production of an entire television series?!? And am I the only one who now freaks out a little bit when her period is lighter or I feel a fluttering in my stomach and I wonder, "Oh My GOD. Please tell me I'm not pregnant!" I can't be the ONLY woman to attend to her needs in the bathroom and think, "Hmmm... a little longer on the pot than usual... I sure as hell hope I don't push a BABY out!!" Seriously, this is where my mind goes nowadays... And it's all the more horrendous due to the fact that my toilets? Are NOT somewhere a baby should even be NEXT to, let alone falling into! (Now, Stephanie's? Those might be ok:) )

Without that beloved DVR, I would never have fallen in love with Glee. You know what I love about Glee? (Besides the adorably awkward teenagers that burst into song and dance numbers at the presentation of any uncomfortable situation?) I love that everyone I know seems to love it. I love that everyone that I find cool and awesome today (Awesome! Thumbs up, dude!) claims to have been a band/drama/speech/mathletes/fill-in-the-blank-of-a-not-so-cool-high-school-club nerd in high school.

Is this possible? How? How is it possible that so many very, VERY cool people look back on their teen years with a grimace at how very UNcool they were? This leads me to realizing that we band/drama/speech/mathletes/fill-in-the-blank-of-a-not-so-cool-high-school-club nerds are the foundation of the successful world. Sure, sure. You athletic, popular kids have your own places in society, but you were the elite and minority, to be honest. And while some of the popular kids went on to do great and fabulous things, some of them fell and faltered without the support of peers who idolized them. Now, the somewhat nerdy-not quite cool-lots of friends but never felt 100% like we "fit in" kids? We RULE the world. We are everywhere. We are enmeshed in every aspect of the adult world and you know what? That kind of rocks.

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Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Woo-hoo! I *love* this post!

I'm constantly thinking I'm pregnant, even though there's close to a 100% chance I never will be again. So that bit made me chuckle.

But Glee . . . how I love thee! I was definitely NOT popular in HS.

Unknown said...

Ha Ha Ha. I had to remove my first comment because a mis-spelling made me look like a pervert. To recap:

I have never watched Glee. I probably never will. All of my other stuff is now demanding too much of my time and it's TV that loses in the contest for my time and attention. And I can't help but think that's a good thing.

Debbie said...

I've caught Glee a few times, and I do enjoy it too. I was a drama geek in high school. Now I'm a science geek.

Us cool people never truly lose our geek-ness, we just shift focus. :)

Karen said...

Never watched Glee, but I definitely share the DVR love. Mine records things it thinks I may like...and I get to watch such gems as Jersey Shore. LOL

Issa said...

I adore my DVR. I can't believe I watched commercials for so long. Ha.

A cousin of mine is a L&D/NICU nurse. The stories she tells are insane. There are people who truly don't know. WEIRD. said...

Lou, I read the first comment. Heehee!!

Gucci Mama said...

It would be very safe to give birth on my toilet, but I'd rather no one did. Even I might balk at that kind of mess. ;)

You know how enamored I am of Glee; I'm shedding tears over here that there won't be any new episodes after tonight until April. APRIL, Tracey!

Kat said...

I always remind my neices and nephews that you don't want to peak in high school, cause it would be pretty depressing to have that be the best time in your life. Know what I mean? I think that is what is cool about being dorky in high school. ;)

I LOVE "I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant". SUCH a crazy show.

CaraBee said...

Somebody was telling me about the pregnant show. Freaking insane. And more than a little sad, really. Reminds me of that Monty Python sketch from The Meaning of Life.

I love Glee. Like it gives me goosebumps, I love it so much. But I wasn't a band/drama/mathlete. I was cool. I'll be honest, I didn't hang out with any band/drama/mathletes, either. But I didn't give them slushies. So I'm not all bad.

AiringMyLaundry said...

Sometimes I'll feel what I swear is a kid kicking in my stomach.

Then I realize it's just because I've pigged out that day.

E... said...

Unless you a truly an a-hole, I think everyone feels like a gigantic nerd in high school. But maybe that's just because I was the resident geek-magnet teacher when I taught high school. But seriously, I think that's what Glee gets so right. Everyone feels like they don't fit and they're getting it all wrong at one time or another. Isn't it nice that most of us outgrow it, and become slightly more comfortable with who we are?

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