Friday, January 09, 2009

Ten. Diez. 10. One-Oh.

The thing about my kids' birthdays is that not only are they getting older, but it marks my experience level at this whole parenting gig. I mean, you'd think, after a DECADE of parenting, I'd be a bit, well, BETTER at the whole thing, you know??

I'll take credit where credit's due: I'm not a BAD parent. Bad parents don't remember to pack lunches, make sure their kids are fairly clean and have been hugged and kissed several times a day. Bad parents don't sacrifice so that their kids can play soccer, wear cool (used) clothing and have "some" of their hearts' desires. Bad parents don't make their kids redo homework, apologize when they've wronged someone, and shout "brown eyes ARE beautiful!" (over and over) to the daughter who cries for blue eyes like her mom.

Then again, I'm sure a "Good" parent wouldn't let her son wear the same socks 2 (cough3cough) days in a row just to avoid a freak-out since there aren't any other clean socks with the special double lines on the toes. A Good parent probably tries to clear the floor of toys not just because it's a fire hazard but because she values a clean home over watching the final discs of The Sopranos (oooh! We're on the final season. It's getting gooooood. Don't tell me how it ends...). Good parents don't sit at the computer for way longer than I'm willing to admit, typing about the differences between themselves and me....

So. I'm mediocre. Meh. I'm ok with that... Perfect is a bit boring, anyway. What's there to strive for when everything runs smoothly? How could I blog about PerFECtion???
Holy Bat Balls. My baby is almost TEN YEARS OLD. Really? How did this little angel...

Who called me his "best fwend..."

Become this boy?

This child on the cusp of teenage years, girls, and Big Questions? That he is closer to 18 years than 18 months?

I have had quite the tear fest this morning, looking through old photo albums. Reminiscing of all that has changed (including my thighs. Dang, I was thin back then...) and all that is yet to change.

Don't know that my little heart can handle it before my second cup of coffee...


Kat said...

Aww. What a milestone. And here I am struggling with my oldest turning 6 soon.

That boy of yours is GORGEOUS! said...

I KNOW. I am in deep doo doo.

Anonymous said...

My goodness - he looks like an actor in that last photo! I can't believe it's been 10 years since I graduated high school - the time has flown so fast.

And I don't even have kids yet, so I can't blame them on making the time fly, lol.

Leah said...

What a milestone. He is one handsome little man.

tiarastantrums said...

oh - love his locks!!

Allison said...

Congratulations - I will be looking to you for some advice - mine is turning 7 this year - you are in a whole different braquet! Sounds to me like you are a pretty close to perfect mom.

Melissa said...

I hear ya!! We just hit the big one-oh with our oldest and it just feels so weird!!
He is a handsome kid! You're right... you're in deep doo doo ;)

Lynsey said...

Oh gosh, does the time really fly that fast??!

Must. Go. Hug. Brendan.

Tonya said...

I know I am getting sad about GG turning 8 I think I'll be a mess when she hits double digits. Deep breaths!

Marie said...

Ten wasn't so bad for me, but 13, my oldest baby will be a TEEN?!?! Heaven help me, he's a gem and I am terrified of the potential. I used to think Other People's Kids were annoying, but i love my own, I'm hoping while Other People's Teens are scray, mine will somehow keep that "There's my boy" feeling... at least often enough to avoid deep sorrow on my part!!!

Oh, and PLEASE tell me you regularly sing Brown Eyed Girl to that sweet child, it got me through feeling ordinary knowing like 70% of people have my eye color!

Until I was taught it means we are full of sh** up to here (imagine hand just above my eyes)! And that makes me proud, cuz I can dish it out! ;-)

Dana said...

He's such a doll. I hate to tell you but he looks much older than 10. You're in trouble! Ok, brown eyes are SO beautiful. I always wished for a brown eyed baby. AND, I am right with ya on the sock thing. We have sock issues galore in this house.

Think how I baby is 14.5!!! He'll be getting a drivers permit sooner rather than later! UGH!

Skiplovey said...

What a cutie! 10? Geez I feel it's both an eternity and also a minute away at the same time.

Hope it's a great one.

Kristin said...

Awww...great post! They do grow way too fast...have I said that before?...think so!

CaraBee said...

How sweet! You ARE a good parent. Just the fact that you think about all of those things puts you ahead of the curve. He sure is a cutie, btw, all that curly hair. Lookout, Mom, the girls are going to be lining up for him!

OHmommy said...

What a handsome fella.... tell him to strop growing. I think you are doing a FINE job. Not mediocre at all.

Anonymous said...

You are doing a FAB job! Pat on the back for you, Tracey! Parenting is hard work, so you deserve to celebrate 10 years of HARD WORK.

Happy Birthday to Justin! What a gorgeous boy - he is sure gonna break hearts one day. Sooner than you think, I guess!

TheOneTrueSue said...

"Good parents don't sit at the computer for way longer than I'm willing to admit, typing about the differences between themselves and me...."

They don't? Oh CRAP.

I can't even look at my kids baby books. It makes me all freaked out about the passage of time.

(By the way, I hope my global warming rant didn't offend you. I was feeling quite peevy and ranty that day.)

the mama bird diaries said...

your son is so cute! happy birthday to him.

Anonymous said...


andria said...

Good moms DO let the kid wear the same socks.

Happy Birthday. To you too.

Mama Smurf said...

That's one handsome boy you got there. Happy birthday.

Yellow Beads said...

AW, what a good post...

we are reilly said...

OH, you're a GREAT mom -- I just know it! :) Your kids are alive and well, right? then, you're a GREAT mom! :)

Congrats on the milestone....

Anonymous said...

Of course you already know, but that is one attractive kid! Holy Smokes he's going to have whatever girl he wants! You're a great mom!!!

anymommy said...

I can't read this without crying. Happy Birthday.

And yeah, you're going to have a lot of giggly girls calling your house in the next few years.

Anonymous said...

Oh Tracey! You are SOOOOOOOOOOO in trouble with this kid! By looking at his picture, he is going to attract every girl within a 50 mile radius! You poor thing! He is very handsome. I'm sorry to say your phone is going to be ringing off the hook my dear!

Kristi said...

Great tribute to your super-cute son, and to you, mom, for surviving 10 years of motherhood. And nothing about you is mediocre, my friend.

Anonymous said...

And boy howdy is he gorgeous! When you get it all figured out let me know so I can do it right when mine are that big. K?

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