HA. Faker.
Evan had a hacking cough and sore throat yesterday and this morning, so I kept him home, prepared to cuddle and coddle with chicken broth and teddy bears. Thankfully, my neighbor drove Justin to school in the freshly fallen 6-12 inches we have outside our home (joy!) so I didn't have to drag all 3 out into the cold.
UNfortunately, Evan and Corinne have been beating each other senseless this morning and I have YET to hear that hacking cough that won him a "Get Out of School Free" card.
So, I am imploring you to feel so much sympathy for me that you come out of hiding and delurk in the comments.

Yeah, I'm first!
Jacob doesn't even bother with faking. He asked this morning if he could take a day off because, oh, he needed a vacation so badly. Second grade. So hard.
Oh Jacob... Love that kid.
Not the faked it I thought you were headed to.
My poor mom had to work full time my high school years. She never fell for anything, but the school nurse? Her office, 9 am, a phone call to my aunt, and I was on the couch watching tv all afternoon.
They don't count dismissals on your record, either.
Drive him in. Maybe? Or send him to bed, he NEEDS his rest.
Oh - I had the MOST evil teacher in 3rd grade and used to pretend to be sick all the time. :)
There is still plenty of time left in the school day...
drive him to school, go home and cuddle with the little one.
Everyone needs a "hookey" day once in a while...EVEN MOMS!!!
Mental health day is what we call it around here.
that is too funny that he faked so young! But at least you didn't have to go outside.
I'm NINTH!!! I'm First GUY!! There. That's better. As the father of three boys, who was known from time to time, as a little boy, to 'fake it' from time to time, it's always been something of a surprise to me that my sons don't seem to have done that.
I call these mental health days.
I don't remember ever staying home sick from school until I was in high school and I could stay home alone. I think either I was the healthiest kid EVER or my mom was a real hard ass. I think it was the latter.
I'm here lurking! or reading :) and commenting when I can!
Hope your faker feels better soon.
ha ha ha, that's a cute post. I still have one faker....and she's in high school. arghhhh! (only in hs, they understand when you say...you can't go here (insert fun thing) because you didn't go to school today.) lol. hope it goes better for you!
I was a complete dork when I was little. I used to fake being well (when I was really sick with a chronic illness) just so I could go to school. Yeah, I know. ;)
Tell him housework makes you feel better, so if he's home sick he can help with chores. :)
I saw someone else post it, but when I worked we used to call it "taking a mental health day".
Sometimes those fake sick days are actually mental health days...for the kids, not the parents.
I am lurking just so I can delurk. K?
I was a master faker in school.
That's a lie. I'm a faker faker.
I was the dork that won one of those lame attendance awards. What's worse. I married someone who won one too . . .
I'm so letting J in on the secrets of good faking. OK, maybe not me. I'll send him to his uncle. The master faker. MASTER. He nearly missed so many days he was unable to graduate high school. He squeaked by with about two days. He was counting. Booger.
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