My apologies, dear ones. My camera was in the van and the van was FREEZING. And then, the batteries were dead from the, well, FROZEN air, so it took a while to upload my photos. But the wait, it is worth it, for my photography skillz are such that you will be calling me for a studio job ASAP. Please, my email is to the right ====>
I digress. (As usual). New Year's 2008!! Whoooot! My sister and her husband threw their annual NY Eve party, even though there was an underground rumor that it had been axed due to poor attendance last year. However, all 3 sisters with overnight sitters and a family friend couple with no kids that night HAD to party somewhere.
Though I normally don't know my limit and end up not embarrassing myself so much as just feeling like absolute death the next day, this particular time? I figured it out: Drink till you're a bit buzzed, then have a SPRITE. Then, another drink a bit later. Then, another SPRITE.
I know. Genius plan. You may feel free to use it, free of charge, the next time you go boozing. But please send the linkage back to me. I could use a few new friends who think I'm cute. (I'm CUUUUTE!!) (I swear, I'm not intoxicated right now.)
I'll give you 1 guess what the drink of choice was on Wednesday night....
After a rainbow of alcohol, we had to soak it up with SOMEthing. Bring on the fondue...
I guess I shook it too hard, for too long. But I DID make it to 2:30. I can still party, damnit.
i want one or two...or three...of those pretty drinks. yummy.
glad you had so much fun! and if you can't drool on your sisters pillow, whose can you drool on? anyway...
thanks for visiting my blog!!
Yummy drinks and pretty too! Can't lose with that combo.
hee hee ... I must say your drinking plan resembles mine from college (drink / water / drink / water / shot / drink / drink / water / advil)
HAPPY 2009 :)
Ohygod you had so much more fun than me, it's ridiculous. I guess I could have posted some pictures of myself in my flannel jammies and monkey slippers. Because that's as glamorous as it got at my house.
Okay, you are the cutest! What yummy looking drinks too. Glad you had fun.
Absolutely. If you can't drool on your sister's pillow, whose CAN you drool on?
enjoyed the photos and story. I know what you mean about cold cameras. The pictures I have of my sons homecoming where from my daughters camera as my got to cold and wouldn't work.
Happy New Year!
Rockstar! Glad you had so much fun.
I can still party like a rock star- as long as rock stars are in bed by 10:30 on New Year's Eve.
Will you be laminating the butt shot for Patrick's wallet?
I want a martini now and it's only 11 am!
Looks like terribly great fun!
Happy New Year!
LOL! Great New Years post!
That sounded fun,man i need to find us some friends here.. maybe when it is warmer than -30. Happy New Year!!
One Question - Can I come next year?
your right it was worth the wait. You are too funny!
Oh those drinks look good! Too funny about drooling on your sisters pillow.
Looks like a good time was had! I have tried the drink, sprite, drink idea before, but somehow after two or three drinks I begin to think I don't need the sprite and then wake up with a blinding hangover the next day.
hahaha...I don't drink, but I do love me some fondue! Looks like a great time. Happy New Year!
Those drinks looked yummy. I didn't party like a rockstar this year...I partied like a mom of twin 6 year olds who have been getting up at 5:45am for the past three weeks. :( Needless to say I enjoyed lots and lots of gingerale lol.
If only I would have known about your slam 'em down/ drink a Sprite trick, my head wouldn't be spinning at the moment!
Looks like a great party!
Ha, that's funny! I can't believe you made it til 2:30~! Wow! Love the sleeping one. cute.
Look at all those colorful drinks! LOL I don't know if I've ever stayed up till 230! Looks like you had a very fun New Years Eve party! :)
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