Friday, December 05, 2008

Giveaway winners!

I almost forgot! Today is the day for the drawing for the two buckets of CLR supplies.

Using my highly technological methods of writing 16 numbers randomly on a paper and having my 3 year old circle two, I came to find the winners to be....#4 and #11.

Congrats to Marie and Camille!!

Once I get your addresses, the buckets will be in the mail!

Thanks to everyone for playing. Hope to have some more cool giveaways, soon!!


Marie said...

I WON!!! I REALLY WON!! You can't IMAGINE my sheer joy and EXUBERANCE!!! My husband watched me read the winners and asked, "What did you win?"

I had to admit, cleaning supplies.

But I WON!!!

And that's just cool!

Tell Corinne I'll send her a cookie in the mail for working this out so good, we'll do lunch!

(just kidding on that last part)

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited!!!! I never win stuff!! WOOHOO!

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