Friday, December 19, 2008

Dream a little dream...

You know you're having a fabulous dream when you're laughing into the phone that woke you. I won't relate all of the bits and pieces because, really? When does a dream ever translate well? It just leaves the teller sounding like a frustrated lunatic because they can't properly relate the colors! dancing penguins! or Big Heavy Balls that might hurt you! and it leaves the listener glassy-eyed and clicking onto the next blog.

Let's just say that I was heartily disappointed to hear the school principal on the automated weather phone call, cancelling school, right in the middle of my kickline with 2 ladies from The Office and Jeremy Roloff. (Which, I'm sorry: was WEIRD. Is he at least 18 yet? Somebody make me feel less icky about dreaming about somebody else's kid by telling me he's at least legal!) (Not that it was inappropriate. Really. We were just doing a kickline, for cryin out loud...)

Doesn't it suck when you squeeze your eyes shut, trying to get back into that dream, forcing yourself to relax, but never quite returning to that spot? Especially a laughing dream. I mean, it was AWESOME. Hysterical. Wish you were there...
I had a post yesterday evening that translated from the morbidity of my last post to this one a bit better than kicklines with teenagers, but Blogger wouldn't let me upload a quick video! :( Suffice it to say, I am still very affected by that family's loss, but cannot type more about it. If I figure out how to upload the entire freaking video, I will post it...
Anyway. So. School's closed. On the last day before break. Which sucks if you're a kid, because the school parties were today!! And it sucks if you're me, because I have errands to do today!! And I cannot do them with 3 kids NEARLY as easy as just ONE. But they're errands like, oh, Food and Bank, which, you know, can only be put off for so long. And I have pushed them back way long, as it is...

Off to the grocery store! With 3 kids! The Friday before Christmas! After a snow and ice storm!! GEEEENIUS!!!!!!

Edited to add: The store was exactly as I projected and I arrived home thoroughly exhausted from the "Can I's" and grocery store skating that is all the rage in my family. However, the boys discovered a fabulous new game upon arriving home and realizing that the snow was actually a thick sheet of chunky ice. All you need is a couple of screwdrivers and a mom who doesn't worry about you stabbing yourself while running around carrying said screwdriver. Chip chip chip at the ice. They've been doing this for OVER AN HOUR.

Who needs toys?


tz said...

Love dreams like that...where you're laughing and having a good time and no one else understands, like some inside joke between you and your subconscience.

Anonymous said...

We're gettin a mix of snow, then freezing rain, then snow. Layers of lovely slippery stuff. But nothing like you all in Chicago are getting ! I heard O"Hare just shut down! Good luck Tracey, and stay safe and warm...

Marie said...

It's done that for too many years here in Maine, so now the parties are all the day before the last day, leaving room for THAT day to be snowed out and still have the parties. Of course, then the LAST day is movies, and a total waste of time.

Melissa said...

You know... a dream is a wish your heart makes ;) I can't ever explain my dreams well either!

Drive safe out in all the craziness...

Kat said...

We had a snow day today too, and Joey's class play was supposed to be today. :( I was actually looking forward to it.

Kristin said...

I ran around like a CRAZY women yesterday...stocking on food and sending off last minute Christmas gifts! Then thankfully beat the snow to my kiddos Christmas program in the evening. They're home today (snow day) parties for them either:( It'll be crazy doing you're errands with 3 in tow, but you'll survive! Just think you'll be all set for the weekend!

Gettysburg Mom said...

The night before last I had a dream where I was comparison shopping for the cheapest hot dogs. I woke up and couldn't help but think, "What a waste of a dream. Really. I could have been on a beach with my husband (or anyone for that matter.)... and I'm shopping for the best hot dog deal. Total waste of a dream.

Allison said...

tracey - I know you have probably been tagged before - forgive me - I have tagged you to post seven random and weird facts about yourself. Check out my blog to see the rules.

The Happy Mom said...

Why is it that even the coolest dreams don't translate well? When I try to explain a great dream to my husband, he's like, "what did you have before bed, nyquil, advil pm or wine?" :)

My daughter was SO hoping for a snow day but no such luck (for her)!

Love your blog, thanks for stopping by!

Unknown said...

Big Heavy Balls that might hurt you? I am almost afraid to ask - but just what kind of balls are you referring to?

CaraBee said...

I swear I don't dream anymore. Which is so sad because I used to have the most amazing, awesome dreams. I wish I could have one that was so great I wanted to go back to sleep just to get back into it. Sigh.

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