Monday, November 03, 2008

By the way, I have a blog!

Here's a genius thing to do: Tell people about your blog (finally) when you have a whole slew of really dull and whiny posts on your front page. Oh, and make sure to have nothing better in your brain's queue... This will ensure a feeling of lameness which is really, REALLY good for those creative juices, you know?

Another brilliant move is to commit to a month of daily posts when you were already feeling a bit removed from blogging. This month might have been a much quieter, introspective month of posts, had I not agreed to Nablopomo. However, since I did, I will try to follow through on it. I am not one to quit my commitments.

And so?

I am enjoying this quiet day.
This half-day of school due to conferences.
This breezy and warm day in November, where the sun is shining and the kids are barefoot.
This final gift from the Earth, before the predicted snow of next week arrives.


Mighty Morphin' Mama said...

I so hear ya. My blog juices have so not been flowing, but still I post. Crap, but I post it anyway. ugh.
Good luck with nablo

Kristi said...

We're having great weather here too? And snow next week? Yikes!

Gettysburg Mom said...

I'm sorry. The evening margarita may have left be a bit bewildered. Did you really agree to post once a day for a month? I can't guarantee my kids will brush their teeth once a day for a month. You're a brave, brave woman.

Unknown said...

I think you'll cruise right through the month of posts.

Cynthia said...

It was a great day today!

Anonymous said...

I just started blogging and I know how hard its been to come up with something interesting to say some days! check it our if you have some time :)

Kelli @ writing the waves said...

Good luck!!! I'm sure you have enough've got kids!

Another they have to be individual posts or can they build off of each other? Maybe you could write about something in segments...??????

You go girl!

Anonymous said...

Yup, I've done the same stupid thing, lol.

and I'm not looking forward to any snow either. nor the heating bills that are to come with this predicted colder than normal winter in the NE

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